Chapter 0: Who Am I?

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Who am I? There are a lot of ways I could answer such a broad question. I could tell you that I am honest, with a strong moral code; I could say that I am human, or that I am a monster, maybe could tell you that I simply am me. The problem is, those are all lies.


"Come Back!" A voice shouts behind me. The sound of their footsteps are slightly muffled by the snow, but I can still hear them catching up. "Human! I Demand You To Stop Immediately!" The tiny blue blur continues to shout as they chase after me.

For a moment I consider telling them that I am, in fact, not a human but the thought dismisses itself almost instantly. He had already seen me in human form, and showing him my powers would only get me into more trouble.

I wanted to be honest, I wanted to tell him the truth about me, but my kind wasn't accepted. For all they know, my kind doesn't even exist anymore. The one thing my Soul longs for would get me, and my beloved pet, killed.

"Stop Running!" The voice demands yet again, snapping me out of my thoughts. Why was he so persistent? What could he possibly gain from catching me? I see something orange moving between trees beside me, though it was slow, and soon faded from sight. "Papyrus! Speed Up! The Human Is Getting Away!"

Papyrus? That was Papyrus? The new monster that all the monsters in town were talking about? What have I gotten myself into? I see yet another orange flash and this 'Papyrus' was running beside me yet again.

Snow flies into the air as I turn around the edge of a large rock I had been running beside. I push myself to move faster through the trees as the footfalls grow closer.

I was only going for my daily chat with Asgore! These monsters had never been on the path to the Ruins before so why now? Why me?

I shake my head and scold myself for not checking the surrounding area before exiting the woods. I had grown so comfortable with how things were that I simply forgot to think.

For the first time today I find luck to be on my side as I come to the edge of a cliff. I scurry up the closest tree and try to quiet my heavy breathing as the sound of two monsters running nears.

Within a few seconds the monster wearing a blue shirt and bandana comes tumbling out of the woods and lands face down in the snow. I hold in a laugh as he groans and clambers to his feet. He surveys the area and sighs in defeat.

A moment later the orange hoodie wearing monster walks over and puts a hand on the little guys shoulder. "hey, it's okay buddy. you'll get em one day." He speaks in a deep, strangely calming, voice. I'm not close enough to tell what type of monsters they are. Though, I'd imagine I'd soon find out after a bit of spying.

The deep voiced monster glances around and I can tell he is looking for something. I quickly shift into a small bird and turn my body and head to face to huge expanse of trees far below.

For a moment I feel his eyes on me, but the feeling disappears as the second, more childish sounding, monster speaks again, "Of Course, I, The Magnificent Sans, Shall Capture The Human Post Haste! Come Brother! We Must Gather Clues And Set Traps Immediately!" I glance back down just as the Bandana wearing monster speeds off.

The other monster slowly turns to follow after his brother, I'm guessing, but seems to hesitate just before disappearing from view. "i'm sorry about that." He mumbles as if he knew I was still here, then takes off in a slow, almost comical, jog after his blue bandanna wearing kin.

I let out the deep breath I had been holding and immediately take flight. I soar up above the tree tops and make my way towards the Ruins. As I near the exit to the Ruins I take a sharp right and soon snap my wings shut as I fly over an immense drop. The wind rushes around me as gravity pulls my feathered body towards the huge snow covered clearing down below.

A couple inches away from the ground I open my wings and soar back up several feet into the air and glide towards a small wooden cabin nestled between the tree line and the clearing. When I am a few feet away I begin transforming back to my normal, half human, half monster, form. The last thing to change back are my arms as I slowly flap my wings until my feet touch the ground. The feathers of my wings shrink away and are replaced with normal human arms.

I enter the homey cabin and lock the door behind me. Though I never got to have tea and pie with Asgore, I find myself strangely at peace. I suppose a nice dose of adrenaline does that to you.

"Mew!" A loud meow comes from beside me and I turn just in time to see my tuxedo cat shift into a golden retriever. It jumps down from the counter and crashes into the floor, then races over to greet me with a quickly wagging tail.

"No!" I say nervously and motion for him to step back. He prances back a few steps and stares at me confused. "Sit," I command, which he immediately follows, "normal." I tell him coldly.

Seconds later he is engulfed in a puff of blue smoke then walks out a small tuxedo cat yet again. He rubs against my leg, but when I try to reach down and pet/praise him for listening he simply glares and bounds away.

With a sigh I walk into the living area and quickly start a fire in the fire place. For the second time today I scold myself. Deep down I knew it was wrong of me to give my beloved cat a bit of my magic, but I could not let him die.

The only way to save the last living thing that cared about me, at the time, was to give him a bit of my immortality which somehow gave him my shapeshifting powers as well. My mother would be so mad if she had been here, but I'd rather not think about that right now.

With the fire finally blazing in the fire place I plop down on the closest chair and sigh yet again. My tired eyes droop a bit and I allow them to slide shut as I relax into the comfortable chair.


The truth is, I am not one thing or the other. I'm constantly changing. I am nothing, and everything all at once. I am human, and I am monster. I am honest, but I have secrets I cannot share. I am me, but I am also somebody else. I am simply a mystery.

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