Chapter 15

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"Hello, Mrs. Grey. I suppose you've read my email?"


"And you know the reason why I asked to talk to you?" The teacher asked, speaking as though the latter were a child.

"Indeed, I have."

"Well, then let's get started," The teacher said, changing her tone, "I don't know how to make this sound the best, but it seems that your son has a bit of trouble in the communication process."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, that he is having some difficulty in making friends, and interacting with other children. I was wondering if he has the same problem at home?" The question was asked in a flat tone.

"I don't see that as much of a problem."

"Well, you see, Mrs. Grey, he does well in school overall, but I'm afraid that if his same 'behavior' continues, he may struggle...and possibly be bullied by others, or have other issues."

"Is he being bullied already?"

"No...and understand me, when I say that I have tried helping him in overcoming this. Two days ago, I went out to the playground during recess and encouraged him to play with the others, but instead, he recited a very complicated poem, something I attempted to decode was about a boy's heart being away from its master because a girl is clutching the heart. In all of my time of teaching, I've never heard a fourth grader speak as Daniel did..."

Mrs. Grey smiled at this. "My husband is a poet. He mostly writes romance, and he reads some of Shakespeare's work. I've noticed that he recites his writings, and some of Shakespeare's, to Daniel."

"I can probably see where the problem comes from. I don't mean to offend you, but from hearing these things, he must really believe them. I'm not saying that is this easily curable, but with time he may be able to gain the social level he needs to be at currently."

"Is there an extra class he can take to help with this?"

"Unfortunately, this school doesn't offer one that would help him. If this is a big deal to you, I might suggest another school."

"No, it's fine. Max and I will just have to make a few adjustments." Daniel's teacher was about to ask what they would change, but stopped before she could began to say the first word.

"So, are we done here?" Mrs. Grey asked, a little anxiously. She stood up, the purse's long strap set on her shoulder.

"I guess so, unless you have any more questions?" The teacher stood up.

"No. And thank you for letting me know about this."

"Anytime. Daniel has huge potential, and I am glad to be of assistance in helping him discover it."

"Thank you." Mrs. Grey said while she rounded the corner, into the halls of the elementary school.

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