Chapter 6 Jealous?

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         Lucy walks in the woods on her own.  She thinks, it has been an entire day since Natsu came back and he has not said a word to me.  She  bumps into some one.  

     "Whoa, there Miss!"  Loke says.

    "Loke, what brings you here?"  Lucy ask.

   "I could ask you the same question."  Loke says.

  " I am here because I need some fresh air, and Natsu ignores me for no reason."  Lucy says.

  "Hmm, so  you like this dragon fellow?"  Loke says.

   "Yes, you could as much."  Lucy says.

   "I have an idea."  Loke says.

   "What might this idea of yours be then?"  Lucy ask.

   "I think you should make the guy jealous."  Loke says.

   "I think you are right.  In fact, I think you can help me."  Lucy says.

   "Help you make the pink haired boy jealous?  You are not pulling my leg, are you?"  Loke asks.

   " I am serious." Lucy says.

   "Fine, it is a deal, but if it backfires on you and it does not work, then don't come in tears to me."  Loke says.

  "Ok, great!"  Lucy says and shakes hands with him.


     Loke and Lucy exit the woods together. They talk and Loke tells a joke.  The joke is not that great, but Lucy laughs at it anyway.

    "Loke, you are so funny!"  Lucy says.

   "Why thanks, dear!"  Loke replies.

   Lucy and Loke continue on like this for awhile.  

Natsu notices them together.  He scowls!

Gray looks to see what troubles Natsu.  He  looks back his buddy, Natsu.

    "Natsu, you just going to stand here while Mr. Steal your girl, gets away with it?"  Gray ask.

   "What choice do I have?  I mean she seems happy with me!" Natsu says.

     "Are you blind or something?"  Happy pipes up.

    "Happy, since when did you get here?"  Natsu ask.

   "Good grief, I was here all alone. I figure you only know notice me because of your distraction over Lucy with Loke."  Happy says.

    "Ugh, don't remind me!" Natsu says. He slams his hand down on a rock and it breaks in half.

    "Yikes, remind me never to get on your bad side, buddy!"  Happy says.

      " What kind of man are you?  I mean it, how can you just sit here?"  Gray yells at him.

    "Yeah, go over and show him whose boss!"  Happy remarks.

     "Natsu, tell Loke she is yours!"  Levy says.

    "Juvia thinks, you should listen to your friends."  Juvia says. She often refers to herself in the third person. (No one knows why!)

    "Loke and Lucy?  Gag!"  Ezra says when it finally dawns on her what the others are in a discussion about at the moment.

    "I much prefer Nalu myself!"  Happy says.

    "Yeah, me too!"  Levy says,

   "Just leave me alone!"    Natsu remarks.

   "Fine, this is the last time I will try to help!"  Gray says as he walks away with Juvia.

    "I will be gone then."  Levy says.

   "Same here, because there is no sense in all this craziness!"  Ezra says.

    " See ya!"  Happy says and flies away.

    Natsu is left on his own now that all his friends have left.  He feels lonely.  More lonely than he has in years.  He thinks, why it is as if I lose something important to me, or rather someone!  He has no idea that Loke and Lucy are not serious.

    Loke looks up and sees that Natsu looks upset. To say the least, he can tell Natsu is angry.  Lucy notices this as well.  She wonders, what could it all mean?  Could it be that Natsu is jealous?

    Natsu's POV:  How could Lucy be with him?  I mean sure Loke might one that most girls have an attraction too, but I thought I knew Lucy better than this.  I mean she is more of a lady than most girls I know.  Loke himself seems to be happy with the entire thing!  Goodness, what am I to do?  How am I to break them up when they seem to be so perfect together!  I suppose maybe, I should forget all about my confession to her about my love!  I  sigh as I get up and head on home.  I might as well try to think of something else. Anything, but of Loke and Lucy!  Ugh, why I bet there ship name is Lolu or is it LuLoe?   Great!  Just great, I lost her to some selfish, swine of person who is less than a man!   If  I didn't know any better, I would say I am jealous!  Jealous of the thought of her with someone else!   Yes, that is it, I'm  jealous!

     Lucy sees Natsu get up and walk off. She tries to speak to him, but he seems to be preoccupied though.  She sighs and heads on back to her place too.

      Lucy's  POV:  Natsu seems upset!  I can tell because he appears to have made everyone else mad at him!  Not only this, but he went home rather fast!  He didn't even let me explain what Loke and I were up too.  How unlike him!  How unlike my dear, precious,Natsu! Why I even came up with a ship name for me and Natsu, I like to think of us as Nalu!  Only, I suppose it may never happen. Not now, not ever!  I  don't think my plan did a thing!  Not a thing!  I mean did it really not make him jealous, or did I have it all wrong?  Did Natsu get jealous and just refuse to fight for me?  I sigh as try to think about what could have been done differently.  I can not think of a single thing.  Why if he were to be jealous, then why didn't he come out and say so?  I shake my head, shrug my shoulders, sigh and cry.  I cry about the whole thing!  I cry about feelings not shared.  I cry about the truth as it remains unknown.  I cry about the fact that I am never to be with my Natsu.  I am to shy, nervous, and afraid to speak to him about how I feel, and he is too much a chicken to speak to me about the matter.  

  to be continued in Chapter 7  The  Silent Treatment?


Lucy and Natsu's  Love Story (AU)  *A Fairy Tail Fan fiction*  by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now