Chapter 13 Natsu and Lucy's Dinner Out

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        Natsu smiles at his wife.  He takes her hand and leads her out to the car.  He waits til she sits down and closes the door for her.  He gets in the drivers side, closes his door, locks all the doors and puts on his seat belt.  He holds one of her hands in his own as he drives them to a restaurant for their first dinner out as a married couple. 

       Lucy smiles at her husband.  She can feel his hand hold onto hers.  She is so happy.  She looks forwards to this dinner with him.  She can not explain why, but she feels like she is full of excitement over such a simple thing.  

       A  few minutes later, Natsu pulls into the parking lot and parks his car.  He gets out and opens her door for her.  Lucy smiles as she grabs up her purse and they walk hand in hand inside the place.  Natsu and Lucy request a table near the back.  Once it becomes available they sit down.  It sure is nice to be here all alone for a nice romantic meal. 

       The waitor comes over and hands them both menus, a napkin with the silverware inside it and a small plate.  "What may I  offer you two in the manner of  drinks?"  the man ask.

      "I would like a glass of milk please."  Natsu says.

      "I will take a cup of water with lemon in it."  Lucy says.  

     "Your drinks, will be ready shortly.  I will give you a minute to review the menus."  The waiter says and walks away. 

       He comes back within five minutes with Natsu's  milk and Lucy's  water.  He sets them down across from the customers.  He smiles.  "Have you chosen your meal for the evening?"  the waiter ask politely. 

      "Yes, I will take the cheeseburger with mayonnaise, lettuce and tomato."  Natsu says.

       "Okay, sir that comes with a side of french fries, or a side salad."  The waiter says.

        "I will take the fries."  Natsu says.  

          The waiter makes a note on his notepad.  "Okay, what about you Madam?"  The waiter ask.

           "I will have the same as him, but I would like the side salad with mine."  Lucy says.

          "Excellent choice, Madam.  Now, what kind of  dressing shall I bring for your salad?"  The waiter ask.

           "Thousand Island will be great!"  Lucy says.

         "Okay, thousand island dressing it is then."  The waiter remarks, as he takes away the menus.  He walks off for a bit.

          Now alone, Lucy and Natsu laugh a little bit.  The two think it is so funny how their waiter calls Natsu sir, and her Madem.  

 "Well, at least he has good manners."  Natsu says.

   "Yes, indeed that is so true."  Lucy remarks.

   The waiter returns, sees the looks of amusement on their faces as he hands them their food and simple says,  "Enjoy your meal, Mr and Mrs. Dragneel!"    He walks away once more.

     Lucy has a look of surprise on her face.  "Wow, how does he even know?"  Lucy ask.

     "How should I know my dear?"  Natsu says.

     " Anyway, darling, do you want to order dessert here?"  Lucy ask sweetly.

       "  I suppose I will unless you rather go to the self serve ice cream place not far from here instead."  Natsu says.

      "Hmm, let me think."  Lucy says.  She bites into her burger.  She notices all the delicious flavors that come from the seasonings on it.  She thinks, this is one delicious cheese burger.  When she finishes it, she goes on to enjoy her salad.

     Natsu finishes his cheeseburger as well.  He is now onto his french fries.  He dips one after the other into some ketchup.   As he puts the next one into his mouth, some of the ketchup ozzes off onto his lower lip.  Lucy reaches up and wipes it off with her napkin.  Natsu blushes at the sweet gesture from his wife.

     A few minutes later, Natsu is done with his food.  Lucy is through with hers too.   Natsu decides he rather go to the self serve ice cream place for dessert as the restaurant they currently sit in gets more crowded.  He is not much for crowds after all.

     Natsu pays for the meal, as Lucy gets a few, after dinner mints, and a couple of tooth picks.  Once in the car, they use the toothpicks to remove some gunk out from between their teeth.  Natsu drives to the ice cream place while Lucy eats her mint.  He does not say much as he pulls into the ice cream joint.  He parks the car, opens her door and they enter the place.  

     Much to their relief this place is quiet and has few customers in line ahead of them.  Natsu gets a huge bowl, Lucy a much smaller one.  She still feels a bit full from the nice dinner they just had at the other spot.

     Lucy laughs as Natsu gets a bit too much of the chocolate cake sweet treat in his bowl. She fills her bowl full of strawberry cheesecake flavor.  Once she finishes she adds a few scoops of  graham cracker crumbs and  squirts of cool whip on top.  Natsu adds some sprinkles, gummu bears, cool whip and coconut slices on top of his.  He pays for the dessert and sits down at a nearby table.  Lucy sits across from him.  

    Lucy tastes the nice cool food.  She smiles when she notices how yummy it actually is to her.  Natsu smiles as he tastes his and discovers his is quite delicious as well.    A  few minutes later, he grabs her hand and they make their exit.  

    Natsu drives her to a nice clothes store next.  He parks the car and as usual, opens the door for his lovely wife.  Lucy beams big time.  

  "Wow, Natsu this place is so grande!  Why I do not believe I have ever been here before!" Lucy remarks.

   "Well, I want to buy you a nice new outfit to celebrate our marriage!"  Natsu says.

   "Oh, Natsu, you do not have too!"  Lucy says.

   "I know, but I really want too, sweetheart."  Natsu says.

    "Okay, then!"  Lucy says.  She holds his hand as they enter the store.

      Lucy sees a few dresses she likes.  She goes into the changing area.  She tries on the green dress and it fits.  She notices it is on sale for 50% off!  She is happy to see what a bargain it actually is today!  She tries on the blue one next.  She does not like it at all. This one sages in all the wrong places, and the belt that comes with it is as hideous as the horrid outfit itself. Needlesss to say, she will not think twice about this one.  She tries on  a few more dresses.  When she comes out later, she has the green dress in one hand along with the yellow one with green polka dots on it.  The others she hangs back up.  

    Natsu sees she has two she really likes.  He decides to buy them both. 

 "How about you pick out some jewelry, a scarf, and shoes to match both dresses?"  Natsu suggest.

   "Really?   You do not mind?"  Lucy ask.

  "Sure, anything for you, dear!"  Natsu says.  He laughs as his wife's  cheeks turn a nice pink shade.

    Lucy picks out one green scarf, and one yellow one.  Then, she picks out some jewelry that she believes will match the dresses.  Last she tries on some cute yellow sandals that have green polka dots on. The shoes fix her perfectly.  She tries on a pair of solid green sandals too.  Again they fit her well. 

   Natsu does not say a word as he purchases, the jewelry, scarves,sandals and dresses.  He only grins at the look of excitement on his wife's  face.  He thinks this is an excellent end to their date out as a married couple.  An excellent one indeed!  As he drives her back to the house along with the stuff he sees her grin.  He thinks, it was well worth it to see her smile like this once more.

    to be continued in Chapter 14  Surprise Natsu?



Lucy and Natsu's  Love Story (AU)  *A Fairy Tail Fan fiction*  by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now