No Heroes

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Selina was getting seriously sick of this son of a bitch.

One moment, she was on the roof, and the next, she wasn't. There was nothing under her feet to hold her up. Selina thought it was kind of ironic, given how little she needed. I know how to hold myself up with a tiny wire, and this is how I go?

The next moment, she was dropping. Rather than screaming, she shot her arms out and desperately searched for something to grab onto.

Finally, she was able to cling to one of the carvings in the side. I'm going to feel that later, she noted as her fingernails tore to shreds against the concrete.

As soon as she stopped feeling as though she was plummeting to her death, Selina started to climb back up.  If living wasn't motivation enough, then ripping Jeremiah limb from limb, in fact, was.

It seemed, she realized as soon as she got to the top, that she might not get the chance.  Bruce and Tabitha had beaten him to the ground and weren't stopping.  They were so focused on hurting him that they didn't notice Butch aiming the gun at them.

Despite the pain from everything that had occurred within the last few hours, she wasn't sure if she could make it, but the voice in her head, the one that noticed her family in danger, screamed louder than anything she had heard in her life. Instinct took over and she ran at full speed and pummeled the man who was easily twice her size. The momentum made the both of the fly a few feet forward and Butch slammed his head on the ground.

And he's going to feel that later, Selina thought as she shakily rose to her feet. She grabbed her shoulder, which was aching from one of the many times she had her ass handed to her, and turned to Bruce and Tabitha.

They were both looking at her with different faces. Tabitha was smiling, and after a moment, she chuckled, "Even injured, you're a badass."

Bruce, though, with his widened eyes and parted mouth, looked as if he was looking at a blue moon in a red sky.

"I really you guys brought back pizza," Selina finally sighed, hoping for a laugh from either one of them.

Instead, Bruce, still a moment before, rushed over to her and crushed her in his arms. It's took her a minute to realize what was happening before she wrapped her arms around his waist.

They clung to each other for what felt like forever, until they heard a familiar chuckle, "It's not over," Jeremiah smirked, "I still have the upper hand."

"Isn't it? Do you?" Bruce asked before pulling away from Selina to take something out of his pocket. A remote.

Selina watched Jeremiah's face fall, and then it finally dawned on her. That was for her. Bruce took her remote. He freed her.

She could no longer restrain herself, she grabbed Bruce's face and pulled it to hers. Selina thought she might've heard him gasp, but she didn't care anymore. He turned completely toward her and wrapped his arms around her once more. They broke apart when the door slammed behind them and they realized that Tabitha had taken Jeremiah.

"That control is the only thing better than pizza."

"Thank God, all of the pizza places in Gotham are abandoned," when he saw her look of mock-horror, Bruce added, "Don't worry. As soon as we leave, that can be our first stop."

"My hero," Selina jokingly swooned.

"No," Bruce said very seriously, "Not here. There are no heroes in Gotham. Just survivors."


"I don't know about you, but I'm excited for a vacation from Gotham," Alfred said with a smile as he got in the drivers seat.

"Are you kidding me? I'm ecstatic!" Selina exclaimed from the backseat, cozily positioning her head on Tabitha's lap.

After the GCPD, aka Jim, Harvey, and Lucius, took control of Jeremiah's headquarters, they had been able to settle the city to a point where the government helped them rebuild. After a few months, the residents of Gotham had been allowed to come and go as they pleased, although the latter was the more frequent occurrence.

Bruce was the last one in the car, entering the passenger seat and looking at Alfred with a smile. Those had become more regular, and no one was complaining about it.

Tabitha decided that she wanted to accompany Selina, Alfred, and Bruce on their trip away. Butch was still recuperating from the psychological damage, and she wanted to be at one hundred percent for him when she returned. But also for herself.

Now that there was no more immediate danger, Selina was ready for a break. She was still wearing multiple casts from that painful yet rewarding day. She wanted to be with Tabitha, her best friend, Alfred, the most understanding person she knew, and Bruce, her seeming opposite but someone who knew her so well that it scared her at one point. She loved this feeling of not being afraid -of him or of the future- the feeling where the possibilities seemed endless, even beyond Gotham.

"Everyone ready?" Bruce looked back to clarify, his eyes lingering on Selina's.

"Let's go!" Tabitha grinned, playing with Selina's hair as if already anxious.

The only response to her was Alfred's foot stepping on the gas.

Hello everyone! I guess it's kind of ironic to start with that given that this is the 'goodbye' portion but what the hell! I wanted to thank you guys to reading, whether it's been from the very beginning or you just started reading this today. I started writing this awhile ago, and I would like to think that I have grown as a writer since I did. If there are any suggestions you have or critiques to offer, both would be greatly appreciated. I'm not sure when I'll get to writing something else, but I hope you enjoyed! Whenever or wherever you're reading this, I hope you have a wonderful day/life. <3

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