New Information

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Tabitha grinned and sipped from her third Bloody Mary of the day. Leila had brought in someone for her to torture at Barbara's request. She had always loved the art of torture, and she had been especially fond of it since Butch died. She wanted everyone else to feel the pain she felt. It lessened her own pain. And she could try to find out if Selina was alive in the process.

Lelia had bound the man's arms and legs to the chair with leather, and had stuffed a wad of cloth in his mouth to shut him up. She smiled and silently thanked her for prepping him perfectly. Her and Leila had become close from the months of talking about different fighting styles and torture methods. Especially since Barbara had grown a fondness of drowning herself in a bottle.

This subject was easy. He was one of Jeremiah's followers that didn't make the cut. She didn't have to wonder why he wasn't accepted for long. She only had to rip out a few finger nails to hear the cry, "I'll tell you ANYTHING!"

She lowered her voice to a menacing growl, "Then tell me where Selina Kyle is."

"Jeremiah will have me killed." He pleaded.

"Well, I'm the one you need to worry about right now, don't you think?" She was surprised the amount of people who used that excuse, and was trying to think if that ever worked on anyone. Ever.

"Last I heard, she was being transferred to the hospital they were taking everyone to." His reply was followed by a shake of fear.

"I knew that," Tabitha growled,"I was looking for some new information."

She made a wicked grin and grabbed her whip from the belt wrapped around her hips.

"If that's all you have, you have wasted my time," she dropped the smile, "and I HATE when people waste my time."

Before he could open his mouth, she had expertly whipped her weapon around his neck. His eyes bulged out of his head and he tried to reach up but the leather binding his arm to the chair kept him from doing so.

"Wait," he rasped, " I might... know.... something." She slightly lessened the pressure from his neck. He must've hacked up a lung in the process of coughing, but he eventually continued, "Alfred Pennyworth was with her. He stayed with her. They left the hospital a few months ago."

Her heart leapt. Pennyworth was loyal to Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne was in Gotham. Was Selina back, too?

"Where is she?"

"That, I don't know," he replied, "but, since I haven't wasted your time, maybe you could let me-"

He hadn't even finished his sentence before Tabitha grabbed his neck in two separate places and snapped.

She ran out of the room and to the bar. Barbara was sitting there, dressed in a baby pink, satin dress that reached the ground and gold chains wrapped around her neck and wrists. Her hair was swirled around in a bun. She looked like Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, with looks and brains that could kill. She certainly had enough alcohol to do so. She was drinking from an almost-empty bottle of whiskey that she had opened that day.

"Babs!" Tabitha exclaimed. She didn't even attempt to contain her emotions as she had been doing her entire life. She was surrounded by people that she either trusted or didn't respect enough to care. She sat down next to her and continued. "Selina isn't at the hospital. They discharged her! That means that she's in Gotham!"

Barbara turned to her and gave her a small smile.

"I'm glad that you finally found something." And with that, she turned back to her glass.

"Are you?" Tabitha asked. No answer. It had been like this for months. It was as if Barbara never cared about Selina. She knew that they had a complicated relationship, but for God's sake, show some excitement!

"She's one of us." Tabitha scoffed as she got up. Just because Barbara gave up on Selina doesn't mean that she would.

"She WAS one of us." Barbara countered. "She left us."

"How wasted are you? She was shot! I don't really think that she had a choice in the matter!" Tabitha growled.

"How delusional are you? She left us for Bruce Wayne! Before she was shot! She deserted us when we're going up against Ra's! Face it, Tabs, she has always been a street thief who leaves when things started to go wrong. If she wasn't there for us, then why should we be there for her?"

"BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT FAMILY DOES!" Tabitha barked. Barbara looked taken aback. "She's the closest thing to family I have. And I am NOT leaving her behind. So you can sit here and drown yourself in whiskey, but I'm going to get my friend."

And with that, Tabitha stomped out of the bar and into the risky streets of Gotham. She might've won the fight with Barbara, but she still had no idea where to start in looking for Selina. She figured she would start at block one. Find someone who knows something. Get them to tell her that special something and so on.

And so her conquest to find her friend began. She didn't know how long it would take her, but she had hope. Because Selina was alive. She had already lost Butch, and she refused to let another person that she loved go.

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