Chapter three

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Hey guys this is chapter three, this chapter will be more exciting!!! sooooo enjoy ;-) //unedited//
Chapter three
"is anyone out there?....." the room fell dead silent. A wave of relief fell over Leonia.
"is anyone out there?" I repeated again the room only grew more silent.
"well that was boring" Megan admitted "isn't something meant to happen?"
"yeah the guides supposed to move" I said with disappointment.
just then a gust of wind enveloped the room making the candles flicker a scream, I think it belonged to a small girl echoed the through the room sending chills down our backs.
"is anyone out there?" I repeated with passion. the guide didn't move but the scream got louder.
"I knew this was a bad idea" Leonia shouted although she couldn't be heard over the taunting scream of the little girl.
" what do you want?" I asked trying to communicate with the spirit. My efforts were useless because Leonia got up and pushed me knocking me over.
"What the fuck do you think your donig?" She screamed " look at what's going on, why are so set on talking to this thing that could kill us".
I laid back staring up at Leonia, she is or was always very quiet she never cursed or talked to anyone impolitely, this outburst is something I never saw coming.
she ran her fingers through her hair. Letting us know how frustrated she was.
"what are we going to do?" she asked although I think she wasn't asking us directly.
Megan and Casey sat motionless in room clutching each other tightly. The screams got louder and I felt like joining them. Leonia looked paced up and down the room avoiding the candle.
"well?" she asked looking to me for the answer. I shook my head. She collapse onto the floor on her knees her head hung over and her hands covered her eyes.
The screams became more deafing, I used my hand to cover my ears the others did the same.
"Let's get out of here?" Casey suggested. we all nodded in agreement, started blowing out the candles and putting them in Casey's bag. the only thing left was the ouija board I was about to put in Casey bag but Leonia stopped me.
"were not taking that thing with us" she warned "its too dangerous"
I know it isn't the time of an argument but Leonia is seriously getting on my nerves.
"were taking it, ok" I said getting up to met her at eye level. "you can't boss me around Leo"
"I'm not trying to boss you around" Leonia admitted "I just want to keep us safe and if we take that thing we us we might as well be wearing a 'kill me now' sign on our foreheads; this whole night is a mistake".
"look Leo I know you don't like stuff like this" I reasoned with her "but we should at least try talk to this spirit and get it to stop screaming OK"
Leonia look at me like I'm crazy. I roled my eyes at her and put my attention back on the board.
I gave Megan and Casey a look that meant please support me on this . Megan and Casey gave me a wearily smile and reluctantly agreed to my idea of talking to the spirit.
"OK I'm not sticking around for this to go horribly wrong" Leonia said. she got her stuff and exited the classroom. I could tell that she was scared to go alone but she did it anyways.
I took a deep breath and asked "is anyone out there?" the guide moved to yes. I felt a rush of excitement move through my body.
I looked at Megan and Casey to see if they're willing to go any further. They smiled at me wearily. The screaming continued.
"Why are you screaming?" I asked. The guide moved to the letters I-t-s n-o-t m-e.
"It's not me?" I said out loud confused. I looked to Casey and Megan they didn't seem to fond of the board game anymore.
"Who is it then?" I questioned the board. The guide only managed move to c-a that's when *bang* someone came barging into the classroom.
We all screamed and ran towards the corner of the room. Carter stood at the door frame with a camera in his hand and a smug look on his face. His friends Liam, Kevin and Sean were not far, as alway, they're laughing at us. Carters girlfriend Penny is here to with her friend, I think her name is Nancy. They didn't seem as amused as the guys did. Carters friend Kevin brought out a remote and clicked a button and the screaming stopped.
"Got ya" Carter grinned.
"Ugh I hate you" I shouted. I let out a large sigh to calm myself down.
"Don't hate the player lil sis hate the game." He smiled.
"Well that was boring" Carters girlfriend Penny admitted. Cater didn't seem to care if she was happy or not.
"Carter lets go" she said in an annoying high pitched voice. "Why are we pranking your stupid sister anyways."
"Hey she's not stupid she's smarter that you bimbo." Megan jumped to my defence.
Penny looked like she was about to slap Megan.
"Ladies, ladies there's no need for that it's Halloween the best night of the year"Liam reasoned.
Penny looks like the kind of girl you'd see on the cover of vogue magazine. Tall, slender and beautiful. She has long brown hair with golden highlighted tips. She was wearing a leather clothing with a cat ears hair band. So I guessed she's dressed as a sluty cat. Nancy's dressed like her. Nancy has nerd glasses and dirty blonde hair.
"I can't believe you done this Carter." I told him. He was still filming and still had the smug look on his face. I wanted to slap the shit out of him.
"It's what you get lil sis you shouldn't mess with the master." he complimented himself.
I seat down beside the board game. "Megan I suppose you were moving the guide all this time."
Megan looked confusingly over at me. "It wasn't me Kat"
"Meg it had to be you, just cut it out you got me" I said with a sigh.
"Kat I promised it wasn't me" Megan promised. I looked at Casey she shook her head.
"Then who?" "Ooh for gods sake it's just a bored game" penny said cutting me of. I glared at her. I've never hated one of my brothers girlfriend but penny is something else.
"We scared Leonia so bad she went home" Sean laughed.
"We shouldn't be playing with stuff like this" Sean mimicked Leonia.
"Shut up Sean!, Casey you moved the guide right?" I asked worriedly.
"No Kat it wasn't me" she replied staring at the board.
"Then who?" "Listen Katrina it's just a stupid game ok, come on Nancy I need find a toilet" penny said cutting me off. She gave Carter a kiss and left the classroom.
"Penny I don't think you should go" Casey begged.
"Ugh how old are you guys? five" with that said Nancy and penny left.

That was the last time I saw them.........

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2015 ⏰

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