Chapter two

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Hey guys this is chapter two hope you like it please vote comment and follow me.
Chapter two
Skrillex boomerang echoed through my room making wake up immediately. I groaned and turned off the alarm I was about to go back to sleep when I remembered my plans for tonight.
I sprang out of bed and ran into the bathroom. Ten minutes later I came out curled my hair and got dressed. I'm wearing black jeans, a red t-shirts, black leather jacket and black ankle boots. I checked my appearance in the mirror grabbed my phone and sprinted downstairs.
We live in a two story home, there's four bedroom's, four washrooms, a kitchen, a living room, a dining room a basement and a front/back garden. We live in an estate and all the houses were built around the same time so they all have the same structure.
I walked into kitchen and Carter was eating the remainder of the Halloween candy from a bowl on the kitchen table. The kitchen floor is laced with white marble, the walls are painted a light lime green colour, the kitchen table is at the middle, the stove and the other kitchen appliances are at the far corner.
I took a seat opposite him and extended out my hand to grab some of the left over sweets. Cater slapped my hand, grabbed the bowl full of candy and growled at me like dog. I rubbed my hand and stuck out my tongue at him.
"so where's mum?" I asked looking around me.
"I don't know" he shrugged "I think she has to work late today"
My mums a policewoman so Halloween is probably one of the most stressful nights of the year for her.
I nodded got up and went to search the cabinet for sweets.
"so where are you going tonight?" Cater asked looking up from the bowl.
"um the abandon school a few minutes from here" I said excitedly.
"why there ?" Cater asked with a confused look on his face.
"dunno Megan picked the spot" I told him. He nodded and left the kitchen with the bowl of candy.
I grabbed a plastic bag and put the candy in the bag.
Just then my phone started to vibrate. it's Megan I answered it.
Phone conversation
"Hey it me what ya doing?" Megan chirped.
"Nothing" I answered " how about you?"
"me and the gals are driving to your house to pick you up" she told me. The "gals" are also known as Casey and Leonia. Casey has green eyes, short red hair and she's 5'1. She like to talk a lot, mostly about gossip and who's dating who. Leonia has brown eyes, Long black hair, a tanned skin tone and she's 5'3. Leonia is very quiet and shy she likes to keep to herself.
"Meg you don't even have a licence yet" I informed her." you shouldn't be driving.
"a licence is just a piece of papper" she laughed "loosen up will ya"
"OK" I said shaking my head "whatever, don't come crying to me when we get pulled over".
A boom of laughter came from the phone.
"All I have to do is bat my eyelashes at the cop and that will solve everything" she laughed. I shock my head in disapproval and laughed with her.
"Kat babe I'll be there in five ok" she notified me "so be ready or were leaving you behind"
Kat's my nickname short for Katrina.
"you guys wouldn't do that to me, you all love me" I joked "and besides the school within walking distance.
"ok whatever I'm two minutes away from your house" she told me.
"Alright bye" I said then hung up.
Phone conversation over
Twenty minutes later......
Megan is still not here I swear she probably don't know the difference between two minutes and twenty minutes. There was a knock on the door and I opened it, it's Megan she flung her arms around me.
"Hey girl I'm here" she said releasing me from her deadly bear hug.
I took a deep breath " where have you been, twenty minutes has gone by?"
"I'm sorry" she apologised " I dropped of the gals at the abandoned school to get things set up then I saw this super cute guy on the way and we went out for coffee"
"Meg are you serious" I said trying to hold back my laughter " you did all that in twenty minutes.
She hit me on the arm playfully and laughed making me burst into laughter as well.
"come on let's go" I told her, she linked arms with me and we got in her mums Ford ranger.
Megan is wearing a beige cashmere sweater, black skinny jeans and boots. Her hair was curled
Five mins later..............
We arrived at the school five minutes later.
Our lady's victory nun school is five hundred years old it use to be a school for nuns before two nuns commited suicide and burned down the North side of the school. For those five hundred years the school was closed down that was until two years ago when the North side was rebuilt. The school is three storys. The dorms are on the third floor,classrooms on the second and the kitchen, chapel are on the first. The walls are a grey colour and it looked more than a prison than an actual school.
We got out of the car and snuck into the school from the back. We were only in the school thirty seconds and the dust is already making me sneeze.
The south side of the school was under lock and key so the only place to play the game was in the north side.
We walked into a vacant classroom Casey and Leonia had already set up the board and there were candles lit everywhere. I rushed over the board to inspected it.
It had yes and a no on each side of the board numbers, the alphabet and goodbye and the bottom of the board. There was also a piece of wood with a magnifing glass in the middle.
I smiled at Casey and Leonia. Leonia looked scared.
"I don't think we should be doing this" Leonia said worriedly "we shouldn't be messing around with spirits"
"ooh please its just a games Leonia" Megan reassured Leonia. Leonia didn't look convinced. She's wearing a grey hoodie, a pair of worn out jeans and white converse. Her hair was in a messy ponytail. Casey's wearing a black tracksuit and black air force. Her hair is naturally curly.
Leonia got up and sat in the corner of the room.
"So are we gonna start or what?" Megan asked clapping her hands together.
"yeah" I answered."Leonia you in or not?"
She shook her head and Megan rolled her eyes.
"Casey" I called getting her attention from her phone to me "you in or not?"
"yeah" she answered, reluctantly putting her phone down and joining our little circle.
"OK everyone put the hand on the guide" I commanded, they did as they were told.
"is any-" "wait!" Leonia shouted cutting my sentence short. "shouldn't you guys read the instructions or rules or something"
"ugh" Megan groaned " its simple we just ask the spirit questions and say goodbye when were finished"
Casey nodded in agreement, I looked over at Leonia gave her a tight smile and repeated the sentence.
"Is anybody out there......"
My first mistake that night was not listening to Leonia.
I know this chapter is a bit boring but the next chapter will be more exciting I promise. ;-)
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cast members
Katrina as Nina Dobrev
Cather as Francisco Lachowski
Megan as Chloe grace mortez
Leonia as Shay Mitchell
Casey as Jane Levy

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