Chapter one

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Chapter one
Halloween the one night of the year were you get to be something or someone your not and in Kinhale where everyone knows eachother being someone else for a night isn't an bad idea. You could be a nurse, policeman, the devil, a sluty cat the possibilities are endless. Not to mention the free candy and the wild parties. So why didn't any of those activities appeal to me this year?, I really don't know if its the fact that I'm older or I'm just sick of doing the exact same thing every year. I need some thing new to do this year...
I'm laying on my bed and it's raining outside as usual this is Ireland were taking about. I'm thinking about how this year is going to to another bore fest of a Halloween and me being who I am, isn't in the Halloween spirit. This year I'm going to stay home and hand out sweets to snot nose kids that will egg my house whether or not I give them sweets.
My thoughts were interrupted by my phones constant vibrating.
I checked the callers ID, its my best friend Megan.
Phone conversation
"Hey what ya doing?" Megan asked cheerfully. Megan is the kind of girl you see in the movies you know the ones with platinum blonde hair, blue eyes and dazzling white teeth. she's perky, always excited at everything and always talk about boys, its kind of annoying but I love her even though. Me being very average and not worth a second glance its hard to believe that were best friends or just friends.
"not much" I answered as I sat up "you?"
"well do you know what day it is today?" she screeched I could feel her excitement in her voice and it made me smile.
Unfortunately I did know what day it is today, it's Halloween and I wasn't in the trick or treaten mood either.
"ugh" I groaned letting her know I wasn't down for any Halloween related activities tonight. I knew she's frowning now and getting ready to list a thousand reason why I should go clubbing with her.
"I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you don't wanna go clubbing tonight do ya?" she asked, I shook my head and just as if she could see me she let out a very overdramatic sigh.
"well then if you don't wanna go clubbing to night I've got something else planned for us then" she laughed evilly.
"like what?" I questioned her worriedly, knowing Megan she probably planned something that would end us in deep trouble later .
"well Casey got the board gamey thingy thing you wanted and she thought that maybe we'd all get together and we could play it tonight or something." she explained to me (very poorly I might add).
"the Ouija board!" I screamed " I can't believe she got it"
" wow look whos the really excited one now and yeah that what it was called" she confirmed "so are you in or not"
"yeah I'm so in, text me the dets (details) later" I told her
"k k see you soon" she sang then she hung up.
Phone conversation over
I jumped out of bed and did my little I'm so excited dance which if done in the club will get you laughed at.
Let me explain a little something about myself to you, I love paranormal things like ghosts, spirits and other things like that so the Ouija board is probably as close as I'll get to being around them it's if the board actually works that is.
My excited dance was cut short because asshole of an older brother Carter walked in (without knocking i might add). I stopped dancing and got ready to commence our sister brother insult battle.
"And you wonder why guys don't go out with you" he chuckled to himself.
"At least I'm not a man whore like you and I'm independent unlike your lazy ass that gets your girlfriend to buy stuff for you" I countered back, he put his hand on his chest and staggered back as if saying that hurt you know. I rolled my eyes at him and went to my wardrobe to debate what I'll wear tonight.
Carter walked in and made himself very comfortable on my bed. I turn around and glared at him from my wardrobe. He met my gaze and grinned at me.
"so what's with all the excitement I thought you were the Ebenezer Scrooge of Halloween or something?" he asked snickering.
I did another one of my famous eye rolls. "very funny" I complimented him with sarcasm "how long did it take your pea sized brain to come up with that one"
"whatever" he said brushing off my comeback. "why are you excited ?"
"you remember that Ouija board game that I asked mum to get for me ? and she said no because she hates me messing with things like that" I asked , he nodded so I continued "well Casey got it and were gonna use it tonight."
"hmm that sound fun, but I wonder if mum will let you go if she knew what you were going to do tonight?" he smirked evilly.
"OK what do you want?" I asked mentality kicking myself for revealing my plans for tonight.
"now you're talking" he said sitting upright on my bed" I want your weeks worth of pocket money, your new speakers and you be elsewhere as in not in the house this Saturday night.
"wow you don't ask for much do you" I said sarcastically
"one time offer little sis take it or leave it" he offered.
"How about I don't tell mum you snuck a girl in the house last night and you broke your curfew all week? " I bargained with him.
"well played little sis well played" he complimented me. "just make sure you tell me where you and the rest of the witches will be conjuring up the dead."
"were not conjuring them up were talking to them" I stated " and I'll tell you where were going before I leave"
With that he got up and left my room.
You could tell that I and Cater were related. We look a lot like each other, were both brunettes but my hair is quite long while his is very short and we both have brown eyes. I'm 5'2 and he's 6'5. He's very muscular, I'm small and petite.
My message tone went of, it a text from Megan it read:

Location : Abandoned school "Our lady's victory nun school"
Time: 11:00pm
Bring sweets Bitches
xxx Meg
I flung myself onto my bed set an alarm for ten pm and fell asleep thinking what a deadly night we were going to have tonight.
Little did I know who deadly it was going be....................

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cast members
Katrina as Nina Dobrev
Cather as Francisco Lachowski
Megan as Chloe grace mortez
Leonia as Shay Mitchell
Casey as Jane Levy

Dead Nun's curse~Ouija board~Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora