Chapter Sixteen - Another One Bites The Dust

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Chapter Sixteen – Another One Bites The Dust

New Years Eve

One week later...

Due date - Fifteen days

The snow fell softly outside; the smell of paint filled the air as laughter from the other room filled the atmosphere. It was nice to be home, I was one week away from being nine months but everything hurt. My feet, my back, I spent most the time now curled up on the sofa of wobbling to the bathroom. All the boys were here helping Roger decorating the nursery. They had done it a beautiful lemon yellow or so we had discussed. The boys had figured it was best to surprise me, but the afternoon was flying by as Queen was due to perform tonight and do the countdown for New Years Eve. Tonight was going to be an interesting turn of events for me, considering I could barely walk. Anita had helped me find a beautiful dress that tried to hide how huge I looked. I hadn't seen Mary since Christmas and honestly I couldn't care less. I was mad, furious; I had no words to explain my anger. She had tried to call but Roger just told her I needed space which was exactly what I needed.

"It's ready!!" Freddie said clapping his hands as he ran down the stairs, with no paint on him at all.

"Did you even do any painting?" I chuckle as I put one hand behind me pushing myself up to my feet; Freddie reached out helping me up.

"Of course not darling, I'm a performer not a decorator" I couldn't help but chuckle, typical Freddie "Bet you can't wait to get these guys out huh?" He questioned

"Oh god yes, don't get me wrong it's been wonderful but I miss seeing my toes and not going to the bathroom every two minutes" I laughed

"Well Rog has been saying you're hoping to have more?"

"Yeah...well we will. Lots but next year is going to be busy, I've got my job and you've got that world tour being planned for the end of next year!" He laughed

"Damn right and you are going to photograph it all!" I raised my eyebrows.

"You want me to travel with you around the world...with two babies?" I question

"Of course darling, childcare was created for a reason. I'm sure we can find a nanny willing to travel" I nodded.

Me and Roger hadn't discussed that far ahead; we hadn't gotten past the birth plan yet let alone plans for the end of next year and beginning of the year after. It all seemed rushed and ahead of itself. I found it hard to breathe as Freddie led me upstairs. Everything would be fine, I knew it would be. I could just tell, Roger said the family was important to him and if travelling around with him so he didn't miss them growing up was important then I would do it. Freddie opened the nursery door; it was bright as the snowy white light brightened the room. It was yellow with large sticker jungle animals on the walls. I closed my eyes battling my tears as I reopened them seeing two cribs and one blue and one pink Moses baskets on a rocking stand, furniture matching the cribs.

"Guys...this is..."

"You like it?" Roger smiled, he was covered in paint as well was John and Brian.

"I love it!" I wrap my arms around him kissing him softly "Thank you everyone!" I looked around as Roger wrapped his arms around me holding me close to him. Safe and happy the room was perfect, the boys looked so proud of themselves and within reason, it was beautiful.

"Oh damn guys, its half four, we've got two hours before being at the BBC Studios" John said looking at his watch.

"Oh shit is it that late? I told Anita I'd be home at one to visit her parents" Brian murmured.

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