Chapter Eight - I Wanna Testify

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Chapter Eight – I Wanna Testify

I was up before Roger. It was only eleven am, and I knew Roger wouldn't be up for awhile. He had a band meeting this afternoon but that was all. I hadn't slept for long, maybe and hour or two. He laid so peacefully to the point it hurt. The sheets wrapped around his lower half, his chest exposed. He was so angelic. I hated being mad at him but I was within my right. I leaned down placing a kiss on his head. Brushing the hair from his face I sat and stared at him for a few moments. I certainly wasn't going to leave him. I loved him too much to ever be without him. But I needed head space to clear my mind. I needed to breathe. I rose up heading downstairs , looking around trying to find the phone. Typical Roger, he hated technology, music was life. The living room was huge, it was the size of the entire hotel rooms we use to have. My jaw dropped as I looked around. A brown and cream theme decorated the living room as I looked seeing pictures of me and Roger together from when I was on tour with him. A smile appeared on my lips as I touched the one in Paris. It was the most perfect day. Where had those days gone, but more when an earth did he have these done. He had only been back in England a few days. He must have had someone this end helping him buy the house and sorting it out. I finally found the phone, picking it and the dial box up moving to the window holding the phone to my ear tapping the side of it as it rang. I didn't want to go home to Mary. I just wanted time for me.

"Hello?" Said a soft manly voice, who sounded slightly groggy and half asleep.

"Bri? Its Meg. Could you pick me up? I'm at Rogers..." I said softly.

"Of course. Everything OK?" He asked as I heard rattling in the background. I guessed he had been sleeping too.

"I just need head space and to talk to someone who I know will listen and give the right advice" I said honestly. It was the truth. There was so much untold about me, not even Roger knew.

"Alright. Well, give me half an hour to get ready. I was sleeping. So I wont be long"

"Oh I am sorry for disturbing you" I said genuinely hearing him chuckle.

"Its alright. Freddie knows how to party, I'm fairly use to sleepless nights" He said giving me a small smile "I wont be long!" He said softly before hanging up.

Almost forty minutes later, Brian turned up outside, he didn't toot the horn, thankfully. I wanted Roger to sleep and hopefully wake up with a clear mind. I sighed looking down at him placing a note beside his bed in the worst writing I'd ever had.

'I'll be back. I promise'

It was lame and I know he'd freak out, but he'd freak out if I didn't leave a note. I picked up my shoes and handbag heading downstairs. I headed outside as Brian held the door open for me. Once inside he undone the windows, the summer heat hotter than ever, the rain drizzling outside.

"So where to?" Brian said softly looking over at me as I shrugged.

"Away...somewhere Roger can't and won't find me. I just need and think" Bri looked puzzled as he stared at me.
"Are you leaving him?" I shook my head desperately.

"Never. No no...its just-" I paused "This life. Its so hectic, I certainly didn't sign up for a pregnancy" Bri started the car and began driving.

"So lets have a little drive. The country air will clear your mind" Brian said softly smiling, he drove a few miles down the road heading away from town. He parked in a small lay-by, he turned the music down low and urged me to continued. "Okay, talk" He said softly. Outside the rain got heavier, small rumbles of thunder continued. It was the hottest yet stormiest week we had experienced all year. It relaxed me instantly hearing the tapping of rain. I turned to Brian, he was awaiting me.

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