Simon and Isabelle Training (COHF SPOILERS)

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            If there was one thing Isabelle hated, it was being nervous. She had passed the stage where she was supposed to be a little nervous around Simon. But the nervousness then was just because she wanted him to love her like she loved him. Ever since he had lost his memory, she had been broken. She didn’t date anyone else after him, she’d just use a glamour rune and him from afar.

Now, he was getting his memories back and they could start over and maybe, just maybe, go back to the way they were before. She was nervous he wouldn’t love her again but she had hope. The thing that really worried her was that every time she saw him her lips would tremble and her hands would shake a little because all her nerves were worried he’d just forget her again. She couldn’t explain the amount of relief when he walked over to the area of the park, that mundanes never saw, and smiled at her. It was her favorite type smile, the one where one side of his mouth goes up before the other and lights up his whole face.

“I’ve been practicing some of those techniques you taught me the other day. I think i’ve gotten the hang of it but that might just be because every time I train I feel like Naruto.” Simon told her while punching the air adorably.

“That’s good to know. Do you want to try it out and see if you actually got the hang of it?” Isabelle asked. She hated not being able to kiss him hello and hug him just for the hell of it but he still doesn’t remember her fully. She didn’t want to push her luck thinking he still loved her.

“Yeah, that’d be nice but try not to go to easy on me, Iz.”

Simon pushed up his glasses and got into a fighting stance. Isabelle felt a stab in her heart when he called her that but she ignored it. She got in a fighting stance also and gracefully dodged Simon as he tried to pull her leg out from under her. She grinned and got behind Simon to put him in a head lock. Before she could though, he rolled to the ground and pulled her by her 7 inch heeled boot on top of him. She looked at him incredulously as he grinned at her where she was lying sideways across his chest. She definitely was not expecting him to do that, she’d suspected he’d try to go sideways, not downwards.

“Do you think I got the hang of the technique, Izzy?” Simon asked, trying not to smile to hard.

“It wasn’t too bad. A little more graceful and I think it would be perfect.” Izzy told Simon as she settled and elbow on the ground to hold her head up while laying on Simon. He leaned towards Izzy, only keeping their faces inches apart. Before asking,

“Do you think it was prize worthy or should I work harder next time?”

       Isabelle could feel Simon’s breath which was so unusual considering the last time she had kissed him, he had been a vampire. She tried hard not to dwell on that thought. His lips were parted and Izzy moved her face closer to his until they were only a centimeter apart. Simon’s eyes were closed and Izzy teasingly only gave a slight brush of a kiss and muttered, “

            “Try harder next time.”

Before deepening the kiss a little and nibbled on his lip a little before rolling off of him and told him;

            “If you want more, lets see if you can do that again but more graceful this time.”

She hadn’t seen him move that fast since he was a vampire and he got in a fighting stance before telling her;

          “Bring it on, Iz,”

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