His Mate

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I watched as wild red curls peeked through the trees. Red eyes shifted between Riley and Edward.


Her nose twitched as she hissed angrily at Edward.

"You came this far, didn't you?" He taunted her, stepping closer.

Her clothes were torn in certain places still, but she looked much more well fed than last time I saw her. When she saw me a small smile broke out across her face. I knew she remembered me. She watched the way I stood protectively in front of Bella. Edward called out to her to break her attention away from Bella.

I continued to back up, pushing Bella with me, until we were backed against the cliff wall. I kept her pinned behind me. My eyes shot from Edward and Victoria when I heard Seth cry out in pain. Riley had thrown him hard against the rocks. Riley then rushed at Edward. I tried to call out to him, to warn him, but when he turned his head Victoria rushed him.

I was torn between wanting to help Edward and protecting Bella. Suddenly, Riley changed course and was running directly to Bella and I. I did the first thing my mind said and grabbed her before he could. I turned around with her quickly, keeping her out of his reach, before he turned and rushed me again. I heard Bella wince as I threw her roughly behind me and held my arms out to stop Riley. He flew back with the force.

I shot a glance towards Edward and Victoria to find her throwing him into a tree. I watched as the wood splintered and he quickly regained his balance to rush her again. I felt Riley slam into me and I struggled to hold him off.

Jasper was right about their strength.

I grabbed his arm and watched as he toppled into the hard rocks beside Bella.

But Jasper was also right about mine.

I jumped on him and struggled to keep him down. I placed my knee on his shoulder and pulled hard against his arm. I felt it tear beneath my grip and pulled harder. His arm ripped with a sickening sound and he screamed wildly. I blinked in surprise when I realized Bella was also screaming.

I turned to find her staring at Edward and Victoria, but before I could follow her gaze I felt Riley slam into me. The ground around me split and the hand he had left closed around my throat. I grabbed at him in an attempt to throw him off of me. My fingers closed around his shoulder.

Love. Protect. Fufill.

I struggled against his grip as realization hit me. He loved Victoria. He was her right-hand man.

Which was a bit ironic, considering he was currently only a left-handed man.

Suddenly, Rileys head shot up and I followed his eyes to Bella. I watched in shock as blood dripped down her arm. She dropped the rock in her other hand to the ground and suddenly Riley was off me. I quickly rose to stop him before I realized he had been tackled by Seth. Rileys screams were cut short as Seth ripped him apart.

But not before Riley got one last hit in.

Seth collapsed and I watched as he began to phase back. Now, I wasn't the most accepting of the wolves, but I did feel for the kid. I draped my jacket over him, not only to cover him, but to try and keep him warm until we could move him.

By the time I made it up the cliffs to where the other three were, Victoria had turned on Bella. Edward was brushing the snow from his pants as he attempted to get Victorias attention away from Bella. I held my breath as I ran between Bella and Victoria. Her blood was staining the white snow. Edward carefully stepped towards us.

"Victoria, it's me you want," he reasoned with her.

Anger crossed her features as she turned to face him.

"No," she screamed, "I want you to feel the same pain I felt!"

"Then hurt me," he tried again.

"You murdered my mate," she hissed, "My other half! My everything!"

"Bella didn't do anything to you!" He yelled back, "I did!"

"James did nothing to you and you ripped him apart!" She countered.

Edward was silent as he stepped towards her.

"Blood for blood," she hissed and quickly turned on Bella and I.

I watched as Edward tackled her. They flew into the rocks and I struggled to keep up with who had the upper hand. I made the mistake of turning my back to rip part of my shirt to wrap Bellas arm tightly to stop the blood. I watched her eyes widen in fear and she shoved my shoulder to turn me around.

Victoria had one foot planted firmly in between his shoulder blades with her hands tight around his neck. His eyes were wide in fear - something I didn't see from him often, if ever.

I hadn't realized the scream had come from myself until I was walking towards them.

"Stop!" I screamed.

Her eyes shot up to me and I watched as she pulled harder on his neck. His eyes winced in pain and I stopped walking towards them. Torn between getting Bella out of there and stopping Victoria.

"Give me the girl or I'll kill both of you to get to her," she threatened.

Her eyes were wild. I watched the way her hands gripped his neck. The way his eyes squeezed shut. How he gripped the snow and her hands in vain. I felt myself shaking my head before I realized what I was doing.

"No," I whispered.

"What?" She hissed, her hands tightening around his neck.

"Blood for blood, right?" My voice shook.

Edwards eyes shot open. He struggled harder against her grip. He knew was I was thinking.

"He killed my mate. I'm killing his," she nearly screamed.

"She's not his mate," I whispered.

"What?" Her grip faultered for a moment and Edward ripped away from her, collapsing onto the ground.

"She's not his mate," I yelled across the snowy field.

She snapped her attention to me, waiting for me to continue. I looked Edward in the eyes.

"I am."

Victoria's attention faultered for a moment and her eyes shot to Bella long enough for Edward to tackle her to the ground. I rushed her as he pulled her arms behind her back.

"Look at me," I hissed.

I knelt down to her level and gripped her hair tight to bring her eyes to my own.

"Don't ever fuck with my family," I spit at her.

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