Another Human?

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He never came home that night. I spent the night reminiscing with Rosalie and Alice while we talked about where I had been. Carlisle popped his head in to discuss my 'diet' while I would be staying with them. He didn't approve of my tendency to drain humans of the life he worked day in and day out to preserve. I insisted that if I fed in city limits it would be animals, but I would leave the city here and there to satisfy my thirst. In order to better blend with them all Alice gave me some contacts to wear out.

I didn't plan on mingling with many humans while I stayed, but I knew Alice would drag me shopping amongst other things.

Soon enough, the sky lightened and Alice had managed to beat the two of us at every board game she dragged out of the cupboard. We ended up lying across one another on Rosalie and Emmetts large bed as we watched Jaspers collection of every western you could think of. He allowed us to watch them only if he could sit and point out every inconsistent detail and explain to us that 'Back in my day it was never really like that'.

Eventually, Carlisle left for the hospital and Esme kissed us goodbye as she ran for errands. I shoved Rosalie off of me and stretched dramatically.

"I'm going for a walk," I announced.

"Do you want company?" Alice asked uneasy. I knew she saw something I didn't. I shook my head no.

"No, I haven't been around these parts since...gosh, how long has it been?" I laughed to myself.

"The last time we lived in Forks was..." Rosalie laughed as she tried to recall, "A long time ago."

"I'll see you guys later," I hugged Alice, "It's been a while since I've gone out during the day."

I slipped out the door. I knew Alice was weary about letting me go alone because she knew my intentions. I planned to find Edward and have a real talk. Just the thought of him made me scoff. He didn't deserve the time of day. I decided I would start with the meadow.

Our meadow, a voice whispered somewhere in the back of my head.

I tried to shake the memory away but the more I ran the harder it was not to remember. The meadow had been the last place he took me before.... I tried not to think about it. It had also been the first place he took me after I was turned. I sighed and stopped running. I slammed a fist into the nearest tree and watched the wood splinter beneath my fist. I leaned my head against the broken tree. Even if he wasn't there it would still be a nice place to soak up the few hours of sun.

The closer I got to the clearing the more I thought about what I would even say. I didn't think there was an appropriate greeting to use after avoiding someone for decades after telling them, quote, "I would have rather died than have to see your face for the rest of eternity", end quote.

Yeah, I didn't think there was an apology card that covered all that.

Once I reached the clearing I paused abruptly. I could smell something that was oh so definitely a living creature. For a moment, I thought it was an animal of sorts until I saw her.

A brunette. Pale and small. Fragile. She was seated in the flowers, her head tilted backwards soaking in the sun. I almost turned to leave before I realized she wasn't alone. For a moment, I couldn't be sure what I was seeing. Rage flowed through my veins as I stormed through the trees to where he was standing laughing with her.

I placed one hand around his throat as I slammed him into a tree. It was impossible to read what he was feeling at first, and then it hit me.


I growled as I pushed him harder into the tree. My family..we had certain gifts. Many of our kind did. Alice could see the future, Edward could read anyones thoughts, and Jasper could sense and control the feeling of the people around him. Much like Jasper, I could tune into people's emotions. However for me, it had to be skin to skin contact.

I could practically feel what he was feeling and it sickened me. I nearly dropped him just to get away from what he felt for that girl. Instead, my grip around his throat tightened. Then, for whatever ungodly reason, she screamed.

It was piercing and loud and I could hear her running towards us, stumbling through the grass. I rolled my eyes as he held a hand out to tell her to stay back.

"Let go of him!" She screeched.

I didn't need to touch her to understand what was happening. I threw him to the ground in front of her angrily. I wanted to rip him apart.

"How stupid can you be?" I snarled at him as he shielded her body with his own.

"Look, let me just-" I cut him short as I  charged at him.

He grabbed that girl as he spun them around. He set her behind him and I watched in disgust as she struggled to regain her balance. I nearly screamed in frustration as I turned on him again.

"What are you doing?" I screamed as I ran at him. "Do you not learn?" I spit at him as he once again moved her out of harms way.


I turned to find Alice at the edge of the clearing. I could make out the kthers behind her, waiting, cautious. I spun back around to face Edward and that human. He was holding her behind him defensively. This time, I did scream. No words. Just a loud, angry, scream.

"What's going on?" The girl asked, fear evident in her voice, "Who is she?"

I laughed. I didn't realize it had come from myself at first. I looked her directly in the eyes and heard her gasp as she met my eyes. Blazing. Red. Full of fire.

"Who am I?" I snarled at her, stepping closer to the pair.

"Don't do this," Edward warned as I stood a foot or so in front of them.

I looked her in the eyes, and then, just loud enough for her to hear, I spoke.

"I'm the stupid bitch he brought here first," I snapped.

I could see the confusion in her eyes. He held a hand out to stop me from coming any closer. I could feel Alice and the othera behind me. I screamed in frustration again.

"Marceline, please," he was pleading. I stepped closer until I could feel his hand pressing against my shoulder.


"I'm the stupid bitch who he loved first," I screamed. I turned on him next, "Another human? You're risking our lives, her life," I spat at him.

"If you just let me explain," he was losing his patience.

"Explain what?" I snapped, "Explain to me why you took away my life? Explain to her who I am? Explain to her how you're taking away everything Esme and Carlisle have worked for?"

Suddenly, it hit me. This is why Rosalie wanted me back home. This is why he didn't come home last night. This is why Esme and Alice were so on edge. I watched the girl stare confusingly between Edward and I. I sighed angrily. This wasn't her fault. It wasn't her fault.

It was never my fault, either.

I looked Edward in the eyes.

"Bring her to the house. You're going to explain everything or I'll ruin her."

"I can't do that," he answered out loud. The girl looked frustrated. She knew about his gift. I felt sick.

"You owe me an explanation."

I watched his protective stance fall. He sighed in frustration and turned to look at the girl. I felt Alice pull me back towards her and the others. I shot a hard glare at the girl before I ran off ahead of them to the house. When I reached the house I saw Esme waiting outside for us. Her sympathetic expression explained all I needed to know. I nearly screamed again. Eventually the others made it to the house and Carlisles car pulled in not long after. He led me by the shoulders into the house.

Rosalie sat me on the couch and we all waited for Edward and that human to join us.

His First Choice (A Twilight Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon