Your poisonous yet blessing existence

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As black and white skim through our colorless encounter

A cool finger beckons me.

Like a stubborn piece of ice atop melted water

you softly scoop me up and play with me on your upper lip

Even so I will search for that one true love

Your dry eyes have come so far at this moment

If I could, I would wrap you around me like this and be done

Night falls and my wish does not come true

and tomorrow brings a new mourn.

With your sweet, warm, ill fated kiss, fill me with color as if it is the last time

the moon will shine upon us.

How many nights has passed by

Did I come to love since then? 

In the sea of dependence, I had forgot to breathe.

Kept as a prisoner in your trecherous love 

I want to be set free

But the traces of your cold warmth

still linger with me.

I can only watch your back, always from afar.

shrouded with the presence of others.

You had forgot me. I can always remember.

Remember your evil smirks, mezmerizing eyes

that suffocate with lies.

I dislike your conceited kiss.

But don't leave me, perceive and color me already.

As black and white skim through our colourless encounter.

Fill me with the colors of Burning Red, as your love.

Crown yellow as light of hope

Rotten purple as jealousy for your love.

Feel me, and revive me from the dead.

Bring me back to life.

Because I can't live without you, if you are not with me.

So please, paint it with a tender, passionte, yet cowardly kiss. 

As if it is the last time

the moon will shine upon us.

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