15) insights & passings

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UNIVERSOUL 15)insights & passings

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insights & passings

Restless, nervous, and untamed Loki was. He worried his brother and he even worried Heimdall when he returned back to Asgard seeming panicked and afraid; which frightened the both of them because Loki feared nothing in his path, but  was something they feared. They felt his pain just by being around him, and yes, it broke Thor's heart seeing Loki so worried over someone who has impacted his life greatly. He could tell that Ivanna really changed his life and the way he viewed the universe now. It was something that no one had ever expected.

They didn't know many details about the whole situation, but they knew that something was up with Ivanna. Both Thor and Heimdall tried to get something out of Loki but he would either ramble and not make any sense, or he wouldn't say a single word. He did ask a lot of questions about Freyja, the Norse goddess of Fertility, and they didn't know why he needed so much information on her. But Heimdall gave him what he needed to know about the goddess who haven't showed up in thousands of years, and once he got what he needed he quickly left.

"Wait, are you going to tell me what's going on brother?" Thor asked pulling on Loki's arm before he left.

Loki snatched his arm back, but then gave his brother an apologetic look before shaking his head, "I don't have time. I have to go."

"Loki," Thor called out once again to stop the raven haired man in his tracks.

"What?" He whispered not turning around.

"Whatever you're doing..I know you're doing it for Ivanna," Thor said.

Loki bit on his bottom lip, just thinking about her just made him so happy but without her being by his side it made him feel so empty, "I'll...I'll do anything for her," he croaks turning around with glossy eyes.

"I know you will," Heimdall nodded his head with a sad smile. "Thor and I will keep looking for her just in case."

"Please do, and make sure that she is alright," Loki practically begged.

"Will do brother," Thor gave him a nod.

Heimdall twisted the sword and Loki quickly walked towards the light, quickly being transported out of Asgard and to Fólkvangr. Freyja ruled over those who died in combat or any war, and she took care of their spirits. She has never been seen in the last few thousand years and there was only a slim count of people who knew why exactly. Loki has never seen Freyja, nor did Odin even see her. He barely heard stories about the goddess due to her being isolated from everyone and everything. After Doctor Strange told him the whole situation between Freyja and Ivanna he knew that he had a good ass reason for seeing her. He didn't know what he was going to say exactly but he had to try something at least. Loki couldn't give up on someone who would never give up on him.

Once he finally arrived to Fólkvangr he had realized that he was in the middle of the woods. Rays of sunlight beamed down on him from the trees covering so much of the sky when he looked up. He then looked around and could only see acres of woods in all directions. It was dead silent in these woods. He made sure that his gaurd was up because he didn't know what could jump out at him. Even though there wasn't a soul in sight, he felt like someone was here with him; in a spiritual way he felt it.

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