Bonus #5

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You were seriously so annoyed with Jae.

As you trudge across campus towards the library, you think through the argument you had with him earlier that day. Irritation causing you to knit your brows in a frown, you're so deep in thought you almost run straight into the doors at the entrance. Sighing loudly, you pass security and head towards your usual spot by the windows, knowing this time Jae won't be there. Your heart falls as you spy a white envelope sitting on the table, and you wonder if a stranger has already beat you to it. But as you draw closer, you see Jae's familiar scratchy writing. Eyes widening, you read the familiar words.

"Read this next time you're mad at me."

For your birthday, Jae had given you a stack of letters, each one labeled differently. Each one contained his original words, but you weren't allowed to read them until your situation fit the description he had carefully penned on the outside.

Your bad mood lifting slightly, you wonder when he had slipped into your dorm to get this letter off your bookshelf, and you wondered how he knew precisely when to leave the letter at your study spot.

As you open the envelope carefully, your eyes are immediately drawn to Jae's words with curiosity. If anyone was watching you right now, you knew your expressions couldn't be anything short of comical. You start the letter with a scowl followed by a reluctant smile, which turns into several loud laughs, concluding in tears.

Stuffing the letter into your pocket, you immediately turn around, wondering if Jae is somewhere nearby. From the corner of your pocket, a page sticks out full of the words that melted your heart and reminded you of what really matters. As you walk towards the exit, your eyes suddenly find Jae's, and the grin that lights up his face reaches further than just his eyes.

"Dear Kaila,

The fact that you're reading this letter right now means that you're mad at me. But, even though I am a humongous jerk who deserves to eat nothing but moldy tater tots for the rest of his life, if you can just push aside the instinct to murder me for 30 seconds, there is something kind of important I wanted to say.

I've never talked about it, but coming to college was hard for me, like, unbelievably terrifying. Even though I will never admit it in person, and this letter will be promptly burned after you read it (so don't even think about trying to blackmail me) that first night after my parents left I cried. Then I woke up the next morning, stumbled to breakfast in the cafeteria, and you there you were. The girl I met while I was moving in. You sat down next to me and asked if you could eat breakfast with me, and soon it became a pattern we followed every day. And this incredible thing happened. Before I used to hate getting up early, but suddenly I was excited to wake up and see you every day (and not just cause you steal extra pieces of bacon for me).

Being with you is like... I just come alive. When I'm with you I become better. I want to be a better person. No matter what I've gone through since we started university, no matter how hard it seems to do music, or how unrealistic it seems to reach my dreams, you're always right there beside me, cheering me on and encouraging me. If I didn't have you, I can't even imagine what my life would be like.

So, I guess, even though you're probably still mad at me, this letter is my sneaky attempt to convince you to let me off the hook (just this once). I promise I'll buy you pizza. (Yes, the really expensive kind).

Love the idiot who is very sorry,


Friends Who Seem Like Lovers • Day6 • Jae x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now