1. For the First Time

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"I always smile when I think about all of our firsts."-Anon.

Has it really been almost two weeks since you last saw him?

Laying on your stomach on Jae's bed, you can't help but smile at the Christmas lights hanging in his window, each one sending a cascade of rainbow dancing over the walls of his dorm room. You wonder if everyone feels this way about their best friend. This comfortable familiarity that's always been between you and Jae. Ever since you met at freshman orientation a year and a half ago, no matter how much time you spend apart, your friendship always seems to pick up just where you left off.

You chuckle softly as you recall lying in this exact same position three weeks ago, declaring Jae's room to be "Grinch-level anti-Christmas." He didn't look surprised when you showed up the next day with two brand-new boxes of Christmas lights and a container of nails. Instead, he just sighed good-naturedly and opened the door wider as he retreated back into his room.

Grabbing the hammer he had banned you from using because, in his words, you still needed "two fully functioning hands" after this project, he stood on his desk and pounded the nails into the white plaster surrounding his window. You stood below him, quietly handing the string of lights up to him as he worked.

"You do know Christmas break starts tomorrow, and we won't even be back until Christmas is over, so it's pretty much pointless to be hanging these up now," he asked, pretending to pout.

You just chuckled as he continued to hang the lights diligently.

"'Today's moments are tomorrow's memories', my friend," you reply cheekily. Jae just rolled his eyes, and muttered something about "private property infringement" and what sounded suspiciously close to "Christmas Nazi," but you didn't miss the grin he tried to hide.

Fast forward three weeks later and you find yourself once again in his room, which has become like your second home, lying in his bed. You sigh contentedly as you roll onto your back, staring up at his ceiling, listening to him strum the guitar while humming the notes as they're written in his mind. Although you've loved music your whole life, you've never met anyone whose every breathing moment is so fully wrapped around lyrics and composition, like Jae. You grin fondly as you watch him furrow his brow, tongue pushing against his teeth to form a concentrated pout, as he pulls a pen from behind his ear and notes a few quick changes to his latest song.


Your mind is groggy when Jae wakes you up by gently shaking your shoulder. He smiles, the light reflecting off of his glasses, as you groan and turn away from him, burrowing your head under the blanket he's placed over you. Jae grins and lets out a breathy chuckle as he gently nudges his nose against your cheek, tracing it down your jaw line to your neck. You giggle and push him away as his warm breath tickles your skin.

"Ack! Keep your nasty germs away from me," you whine, shoving him playfully while glancing over to see him lying on his stomach beside you.

"I will if you wake up," he counters, wiggling his eyebrows and giving you his most charming smile.

You groan and slump back onto the bed, flopping one arm over your eyes dramatically.

"I'm so tired though," you say, yawning widely. "Some people had to fly fourteen hours just to get here, while other people only had a measly two hour bus ride," you say pointedly.

"Hey, it's not my fault you chose to go to university in a different country," he exclaims with a grin, giving your shoulder another playful poke as you stubbornly ignore him and continue to lay there with your eyes tightly closed.

Friends Who Seem Like Lovers • Day6 • Jae x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now