Bonus #4

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"Jae? What are you doing here?" you ask.

A few snowflakes still cling to his hair while others rest along his shoulders, contrasting against the black material of his coat. It's almost as if you dreamed him into existence in the midst of this nightmare.

His eyes are serious, even though his face wears the familiar grin that only belongs to him.

"I came to give you this," he says quietly, as he steps forward and wraps you in a hug.

It's an embrace that holds countless months of friendship. The gradual narration of your personal histories, intertwined and built on a bed of memories, linking together one by one.

As you sink into the familiarity of him—his warmth, the smell of fresh laundry and his signature shampoo, a memorized slope where his shoulder meets his neck, the angular lines of his arms as they fold across your back—you feel as if you are simultaneously put back together just as he breaks your defenses apart.  

Feeling the threatening burn of tears behind your eyes, you simply close them instead and cling to this moment.

"I can't stay long," he whispers against your cheek. "I have to catch the train back in a couple of minutes. I just wanted you to know you're not alone."

The tears that were threatening before finally spilling over, you cling to him just a little tighter before letting go. Leaning back, you gaze up into his face. 

"You mean you took an hour and a half trip all the way to the airport just to give me a hug, before turning around and heading straight back in less than five minutes?"

The words come out wobbly, but buried in them lies a deeper question, and his eyes are giving you the answer. 

As Jae simply looks at you, you see tears of his own, masquerading as a grin as he shrugs.

"Pabo," you half laugh, half cry softly as you wrap your arms around him and once again bury your emotions in his chest.

You don't need to say anything more. After all, Jae knows your heart best. The bond between you is whispered in his arms holding you tight, your head resting on his shoulder.

"I really wish I could come with you to the funeral," he whispers, before leaning down to decorate your cheek with a kiss. 


Friends Who Seem Like Lovers • Day6 • Jae x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now