Chapter Seventeen // apart

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.•:Paisley Conner:•.

The only good thing about this week had been the time I was spending with Gretchen

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The only good thing about this week had been the time I was spending with Gretchen. Since her return home she'd already stayed with me 4 nights.

Of course we'd talked about the Alpha, and she gawked at the unique mark on my neck. But we were over that, too happy with the knowledge that we were pretty much related now, to worry that much over boys, or in my case: Idiotic Alphas.

My favorite thing to do was sit at home with Gretchen in my pjs, super spontaneously moving our Netflix marathons from my bedroom to the living room when we got bored of the blue painted walls.

I'd eaten so much ice cream and popcorn in the last 96 hours though, that it didn't even sound appetizing anymore.

"What are we going to do tonight, Paisley?" Gretchen questioned, her hazel eyes were shifting between her phone and me.

"I don't know! I love staying in, but I guess I'm actually kinda bored," I admitted, falling back onto my bed dramatically.

"We could go to my house?" She suggested. I nodded, but I had a feeling that's not all that she was planning.

Gretchen decided that she was going to do both of our makeup because she had a knack for it and actually liked it, while I only did it because I felt I had to.

I asked her if she missed her boyfriend who had stayed back in Denver for another entire week.

"I do, Paisley. Is it bad that I'm glad you feel the same?"

I just laughed, although the mention of my mate left a sudden gloomy cloud over my otherwise, happy mood.

"What's he doing in Denver anyways?" I questioned.

"I think just spending time with his family, he texts me every night and we talk," she told me, all but gushing over her boyfriend.

"Really? So that's why you've been on your phone a lot."

She nodded, deciding to find my curling wand so that she could put a wave in my hair. She was wearing her's straight, even though she told me she much preferred it curled.

"Paisley, this is going to sound bad," Gretchen began and I sort of stiffened up as her fingers released the hair she had wrapped tightly around the wand. It fell in a perfectly loose spiral, framing my face.

"What is?"

"Well I use to think that Darren and I could just be like Daniel and.." Gretchen trailed off; I shook my head as much as her grip on the section of my hair would allow.

"Don't say it." I was slightly peeved at even the suggestion of Daniel and his... whatever she was. Melissa was a sore subject for me.

"I know, I know. But now that I know about you and him, it's like I don't have any hope for Darren and I. What we have can't compare to true mates."

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