Chapter Fourteen // bite me

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•: Daniel Reed :•

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.•: Daniel Reed :•.

I was thankful that I didn't have to answer to my Beta or anybody, so although it mattered to me what he or Paisley's family thought, I wouldn't let their judgment hinder my relationship.

I was already aware that Jack and Angelina had been wondering why it was I had to crash on their couch since the night of Paisley's birthday.

After Jack witnessed me close with Paisley and couldn't keep his mouth shut; he told me not to come back tonight because Angy was not happy with me, although I think he was a little more forgiving because he was the closest friend I'd ever had, he had to side with his mate.

I was on my way to my hotel when I got her text.

Help lol x

My eyes shifted off the road for a few more seconds than it took me to read the text, as I was trying to make sense of it. Was she being serious? Or I was I misunderstanding?


What's wrong?

I needed to know if I had to turn back, I wanted to more than anything. The thought of being totally alone with Paisley seemed so impossible, and yet all I had to do to achieve that was go and get her.

I was thankful when she responded promptly.

I haven't left my room. 😔

Floods of guilt spilled over me; waves of it. Her discomfort was my entire fault, I had been so careless earlier today in that restaurant. But my need for her didn't leave any room for reason or caution.

I sent her one last text, before pulling my car into the hotel parking lot. I felt bad for texting and driving, but this was an emergency to me.

Let me know if you need anything. 😦😓

I stayed in the spot I just parked in, safe in the confines of my still running vehicle, feeling like shit, and in perceptible anticipation of Paisley's next message.

Wish you were here.

I couldn't have agreed more; I replied instantly.

I wish you were. I'll be staying tonight at The Royał.

I want to come.

My heart seemed to stop at her words. Was she serious? I was already on the odds with the closest people to me, but I somehow couldn't care when they weren't supportive of the thing I wanted most in my life.

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