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Matt's pov

I'm not going to lie, last night was pretty rough. I could hardly sleep knowing that my mate was so close yet so far. When I would normally just go to sleep, I was pacing up and down the halls wondering why I my heart was pounding.

I'd give anything to have my mate sleep in the same house as me. I'd give anything to hold her as she slept. But no.

I can't even tell her what I am. She's human and I don't want her to be scared of me. Nothing would hurt more than that. Bryan is constantly pacing in my head. I just know we won't get any sleep tonight.

Back at the cabin I sit in what used to be a cozy, warm home. Now it's empty and lonely. It begs to have another person here.

Deciding that I can't sleep here alone any longer, I grabbed my blanket and snuck into the pack house. I laid out my blanket on the floor to made a makeshift bed outside of my mates room.

I'll admit it wasn't that comfortable but when I was curled up at her door and her scent wafted under the door, nearly everything felt right.

My eyes closed to the best sleep I've ever had. Sure Bryan wasn't as happy as he could be, we both enjoyed what we could with our mate.

- morning -

"Matt what are you doing?!"

That's how I woke up. Making a scramble to get up James and Ethan stand in front of me. "I uhh... I'm just...." I mumbled trying to think of a way out of this conversation.

"Just what? You're sleeping outside my sister's room! What are you doing here!?" James pressed further.

I stand in front of them both holding what made my bed during the night. My head down unable to say anything.

"James calm down, I'm sure he can explain in my office. Let's just go down and chat." Ethan casually said.

Reluctantly we left to go to Ethan's office where we would chat about why I slept in front of Lilac's  room.

- Ethan's office -

We all sat there in the office, blanket still in my hand. Silence was abundant.

"Matt can you please tell me why you slept outside of my sister's room. Please I just want to know" James practically begged.

"Well umm, you see she's.... she's my mate and I couldn't sleep last night if she wasn't with me and I didn't want to scare her away by just going into her room and telling her what I am just so I could happily sleep so I stayed by her door. I could smell her and hear her heartbeat and know she was safe and I slept there all night" I ranted.

Silence filled the room again.

"Your mate!?" James yelled. "My sister is your mate? Why didn't you tell me man? Your like a brother to me and now you practically are. I wouldn't have minded if you had told me. Lilac needed someone anyways and I'm glad you got paired with her. But I mean it, don't hurt her and probably stop sleeping by her door. It's a little bit weird. What if she was the one to find you?"

We chatted some more about mates before I had to go back on warrior duty. Bryan and I were ready to just relax on the pack boarders, content that James gave us the blessing to be mates with his sister. Now all that was left to do was to be closer with Lilac.

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