November 17

456 29 18

8 a.m.

Gilbert's P.O.V.

I didn't get much sleep.

I kept waking up and would look for Alfred.

I would remember he left and cry.

I need him back..

I just want one more chance...

Just one more...

Arthur's P.O.V.

As soon as I woke up, I started cleaning.

The place looked like a pig sty.

I was picking up discarded napkins, when I heard Alfred trudge through.

"Why are you up so early....?"

"It's eight."

"Dude. I don't wake up till noon."

I sighed.

"I'm making breakfast once I'm through cleaning." I said.

"NO! I mean... you don't have to do that... uh... Come on! I'll buy us breakfast!"

"Okay, fine. Go get dressed, you aren't allowed in McDonalds in your boxers."

He must have taken his clothes off during the night.

"Whatever." He said, sluggishly walking back to his room.

Alfred's P.O.V.

I wanted to go to McDonalds to see if I could take my mind off things.

I didn't even feel like eating, to be honest...

I went in and laid in the ball pit, singing Bon Jovi songs at the top of my lungs.

Arthur's P.O.V.

I looked toward the play area and sighed.

"... And one boys happy meal...."

I mumbled.

"Make sure he gets Captain America or we'll never hear the end of it..."

I dug out my wallet and handed the cashier the money.

"How old is your son?" she asked, extremely perky.


He came up beside me.

"Did you get me a Happy Meal?"

"He's a big boy...." her eyes widened.

"Are you calling me fat or old?" he asked.

"Alfred, go sit down."

"Fine. Iggy, get me a chocolate milk."


I sighed.

"Isn't he a bit too old for this?" she asked.

"Aren't you a bit too rude for this?"

He went to sit down.

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