December 5th

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"HOW COULD YOU?! WHAT HAPPENED TO FOREVER?! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!" Alfred's voice rang through their big empty house.

"I told you, I vas drunk!!"


"YEAH, WELL MAYBE I GET DRUNK SO ZAT I CAN FORGET ZE HELLHOLE ZAT IS MEIN LIFE FOR ONCE!!" Gilbert was too angry to monitor what he was saying, but once he said that, he immediately regretted it.

Alfred looked at him, pain clear in his eyes.

"I hate you.." he hissed, quietly as he stormed out the door.

Gilbert sighed and put his face in his hands.

He rubbed his face and ran his hands through his hair.

'What has my life come to...?' He thought.

He instinctively reached for his beer sitting on the table in front of him. He brought it up to his face, then looked down at it.

'You ruined mein life.... I hate you...'

He threw the bottle at the wall, then fell to his knees, crying.

'What have I done...?'

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