Chapter 21

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As she got back to her hut, Angie tried to not think of what almost happened at the waterfall with Hayden, in fact, she was trying not to think of him at all. But no matter how hard she tried, he kept coming into her mind as she took a seat on a log near her hut. Her mind was going crazy with mixed emotions, on one hand, she was glad they were finally going to get rescued by tomorrow, but on the other hand, she didn't want to leave the island, she didn't want to leave Hayden.

But her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a sudden sound behind her as she turned around and nearly jumped when she saw a dragon with cobalt blue scales sitting there. The dragon stared at her with its golden eyes, its teeth weren't showing so she assumed it was a good sign. But she didn't know what to do as she stood up from her seat as the dragon just sat there.

"Um-" she began to say when it suddenly stepped towards her as she stepped back.

"It's alright," Candace suddenly approached while putting her hand on the dragon's head "He won't hurt you, he just wanted to say hello."

"Um... hello?" Angie waved at the dragon who gave a quiet rumble.

"This is Uther," Candace introduced, "He's the dragon who turned Hayden."

"Oh, really?" Angie remarked surprised.

She looked down at the dragon who suddenly raised its head at her.

"You can touch him if you like," Candace offered.

Angie gave a small gasp as she turned back to the dragon, she had almost forgotten that on her time on the island, she's never gotten a chance to touch a real dragon. So as she tried to keep cool, she slowly reached her hand out towards Uther who sat still, and as she got closer, she placed her hand on its muzzle which made her gasp. Like Hayden's scales, Uther's scales was hard and smooth, perhaps a bit harder than Hayden's. He let out a soothing rumble as she ran her hand across his scales, kind of like a cat's purr.  Angie gave a small laugh as she continued to pet Uther when he suddenly rolled on his back like a dog.

"He's like a giant dog," she laughed.

"Exactly," Candace laughed as well, "See? Not all dragons are evil."

Angie continued to laugh as she kept on petting Uther who seemed to be enjoying her touch. But as she did so, she didn't notice Hayden watching her from the jungle as he smiled at the scene. But at the same time, he remembered that tomorrow was going to be the last time he'll see her before she leaves, and he knew there was little chance of seeing her again after that.

All of a sudden, he heard footsteps from behind as he turned around to see Jackson who stopped when he was spotted.

"Hey Jackson," he greeted with a smile.

"Hayden," Jackson responded, "I was actually looking for you."

"You were?"

"You've got a minute?"

"Um, okay," the hybrid shrugged, "What's up?"

"I wanna talk to you about Angie."

At that point, Hayden felt his stomach dropped, seeing how this was beginning to look like not a good sign.

"Um, what about her?" he questioned, trying to keep calm.

Jackson's face suddenly turned negative, showing Hayden that it was, in fact, not a good sign.

"I've noticed how you've been looking at her, how you're always by her side."

"Okay...?" the hybrid replied a bit confused.

"I know that look on your face, and I know it's the same look I've been giving her since the beginning of high school."

Hayden suddenly knew what was going on now as he tried to keep his temper.

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