Chapter 12

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Hayden didn't move a bit after the beast had scattered off, and Angie could see why. He including herself were too frozen to move as they stared into each other's eyes, both of them feeling themselves blushing.


The sound of Tammy's voice caught their attention as Hayden immediately got off of Angie and ran off into the trees.

"Hayden!" Angie called out while still laying on the ground.

There was no response, he didn't even come back. Angie couldn't understand why he just took off, and that wasn't she realized it when she heard her name being called again, and this time it sounded closer.


She turned around and to her surprise, stared into the eyes of her friends.

"Oh my God!" Tammy gasped as she ran over to her best friend and tackled her with a hug "You're alive!"

Angie didn't get a chance to reply as she was helped up as Eli pulled her into a hug as well.

"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly.

"I'm fine," she assured before looking down at her wrapped up slash "Although I did get slashed in the river but, overall I'm fine."

"Oh thank goodness!" Tammy breathed in relief "I swear if you were dead I wasn't going to find another best friend."

"Yeah okay," Angie muttered while looking back into the trees, hoping to see Hayden.

"What are you looking for?" Jackson asked.

"Oh um-" she mumbled, "Before I jump to conclusions, I just wanna say that I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for someone."

"Someone?" Tammy remarked puzzled "Who? A cannibal?"

"No, there are no cannibals on this island."

"Then who are you talking about?" Eli questioned, "Are you saying there's someone else on this island."

"That's exactly what I'm saying."

Everyone gasped.

"Who is this person?" Mr. Monroe inquired.

"His name's Hayden" she explained while feeling a small smile forming "He saved me from getting killed by some- beast thing, I don't know. But the main thing is, he saved my life, and I really wanted you guys to meet him, but he ran off before you guys arrived."

All of a sudden, a crack was heard as everyone turned to see a figure hiding behind a tree. Nobody moved a muscle until Angie stepped forward.

"Hayden," she called out gently "I know you're behind there."

There was no answer.

"Can you come out please?" she asked.

Still no answer.

"Can you at least say something?"

Everyone waited for an answer, but just when they thought he wouldn't reply, they suddenly heard his shy voice.

"I'm sorry Angie" he spoke quietly "I know I agreed to meet your friends, but when I heard them coming, I just panicked, I don't think I can do this."

"Come on" she urged calmly "Please?"

"They're gonna freak out when they see me."

"Uh, what does he mean by that?" Eli wondered, now feeling interested.

"Um uh-" Angie mumbled, not knowing if she should tell them "Hayden?"

"Go ahead" he offered with a sigh.

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