chapter nine

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Ayden Grant

Tuesday was less eventful than Monday. I got some dirty looks and comments from people. I didn't have any more encounters with Luke luckily. Wednesday was pretty much the same as Tuesday.

Thursday morning. I woke up early today. At 5:30. I tried going back to sleep but I couldn't fall back asleep so I got up and got dressed and ready for school.

I made some cereal and ate it quickly getting ready to leave for school. Today was extra cold out. I didn't realize that until I stepped outside.

I ran back inside and went upstairs to look for a jacket. I opened the bedroom door and ran in. I stopped when I saw Cameron turned around going through his closet. He was only wearing boxers.

He had a nice body. His back was muscular but not the unattractive kind. His arms flexed when he reached for his shirt.

Cameron had a sexy body. That was undeniable. I realized I had been staring for a minute and quickly walked over to the side of my bed and searched for jacket.

I found one and made my way downstairs and out of the house to school. School was okay. Nothing bad happened. Nothing good happened. It was just kinda average. People had been talking less about the whole picture incident.

Which I was very thankful for. I felt like it would never stop. I still got comments and looks but not nearly as bad as Monday and Tuesday.

This was high school. They moved on quickly to the next stupid drama of the week.

Today and Friday went by pretty fast. It was the weekend. Not like I would be doing anything special. I never do.

I don't like talking to people. Especially new people. I don't like social interaction is how I like to put it.

I'm an introverted person. I haven't ever been to a party, done drugs, anything illegal. I kinda had a boring life. I didn't do much.

I got home and went upstairs to the bedroom Cameron and I shared. Cameron was sitting on his bed playing his video games. He looked over at me for a second then looked back to his game.

"Fuck" he said to whoever he was talking too. "I died already. Yeah I gotta go I'll be back on later" he said.

"Let's talk" he said looking over at me and putting his controller down.

"About what?" I asked. I didn't know what he wanna talk about.

"Did you send that picture?" He asked. Again.

"No" I sighed. "I told you already I didn't do it willingly. It was so stupid and a dumb mistake" I replied.

"Why did you do it then?" He asked me.

Why did I do it? Why was I trying to make Zack happy. He never sent me anything back. But I trusted him. He broke that trust.

"Idk" I replied honestly. I don't know why.

"I believe you". I looked up shocked that someone believed me. Someone was on my side for once. But not just anybody. Cameron Reese. Out of all people.

"Um, thanks.." I wasn't sure how to reply. I wasn't expecting him to ever think I was telling the truth. I didn't think anybody would ever believe me.

Cameron stood up and walked over to the side of the room where my bed was. Which I was sitting on. He looked down at me and didn't say anything.

"What are you doing?" I asked nervously. He was standing above me not saying anything.

He grabbed my arm and examined it. He looked at my wrist and rubbed his thumb over them. Over my scars from my self inflicted cuts.

He looked up at me with a look of sadness in his eyes. How did he even notice those? They're so small and barley noticeable.

"Why?" Is all he said, referring to my wrists.

"It helps me deal with the pain" I answered honestly.

"There's other ways" he said. I knew there were other ways to deal with pain. I didn't know how to though. I wanted a quick solution to my problem and that was the solution. It was my only way to be in control.

Cameron let go of my wrists and sighed. He walked back over to his bed and went on his phone and then back to his video game.

I got my backpack and started doing some homework. I was in algebra II. It was difficult and I didn't understand a lot of the time. I always struggled in math.

I finished all of my school work after a few hours. I was so tired from school and all the drama in my life recently.

6:48 p.m.

I stood up and stretched my arms and legs. I let out a sigh and walked to the bathroom to take a bath.

I love baths. They're so relaxing and lovely.  I stayed in there for an hour or so. I was so tired, I just wanted to go to sleep already.

I walked back to the bedroom in a just a towel. Cameron immediately looked over at me. He stared at me the whole time as I went through my clothes. I grabbed just a pair of boxers to sleep in.

I looked over at him and he turned back around to his video game. "Yeah, sorry got distracted" he said.

I put on my underwear and climbed into bed. I pulled my blanket over myself and closed my eyes. Life wasn't bad? I thought to myself.

I fell asleep soon after laying down.

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