chapter two

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Ayden Grant

Pale with the slightest bit of tan. Blonde almost white hair, with a little wave. Shorter on the sides and longer on the top. Dark brown filled eyebrows with a slight arch. Black, Long, curly eyelashes with light blue iris that resembled the blue sky on a sunny day. A thin looking nose that led to beautiful light pink full lips and a sharp jawline. Slim body and 5'8" tall.

I wasn't that bad looking right?

"You're ugly" "you're fat". The words that always found a way to ruin even the slightest bit of happiness for me.

I walked back into my small bedroom and grabbed my backpack. I started walking to my bus stop. It was only a 5 minute walk but at 6 o'clock in the morning it was still pitch black out. Everyone was on their phones standing away from each other waiting for the bus to come. I usually sat by myself and hoped no one would take the seat next to me. I hated having to talk to people I didn't know. I was what you would call socially awkward. I couldn't hold a conversation for my life. I hated how shy and awkward I was at times. But I just couldn't help it. It's just who I am and who I will always be.

The quiet awkward boy. That's what people saw me as. It was true though. That's all I was. I didn't have very many friends. Only a couple that I wasn't even sure I could call my friends. I was a lonely person in general. I don't like being alone but I've gotten used to it over the years. I never really trusted anyone. Especially after him.

I stayed quiet in most of my classes doing my work and trying to draw as little attention to myself as possible. After 4th period I walked to lunch. It was on the other side of the school. As I walked to the cafeteria I saw people looking over at me. I was nothing special though. I ignored them and kept on walking. By the time I was in the lunch room everyone's eyes were on me.

Why was everyone looking at me?

A guy I didn't know walked up to me. He was a few inches taller so I had to look up to him.

"Wow can't believe you would do that" this mystery boy said.

"Do what?" I asked in complete confusion.

"Oh you know" he laughed. Some more people came over to watch what was going on. I was still confused about what he was talking about. People had started taking out their phones and recording the scene.

"Everyone's already seen the pictures by now. You don't have to act like you don't know. The whole school knows." The boy continued.

He pulled out his phone and held it in front of me. My mouth fell open and my eyes started to water. The picture he had pulled up on his phone was a picture of me. It wasn't just any picture of me tho. I was laying in bed with nothing on. I was completely naked.

It was a picture I had taken at the time I was dating Zach and sent it to him. He pressured me to do it even though I didn't like the idea of it. I trusted him so I agreed to send him nudes. He promised to never show anyone and that he would delete them yet they were on this guys phone and apparently everyone else's.

"I can't believe he would do that" "who would want to see that" "what a slut" "how disgusting" everyone was talking about me. They were all laughing or giving me disgusted looks while pointing my way.

I felt my breathing pick up and I started to sweat. I could feel my face becoming red from being the center of attention something I hated. I could feel my vision becoming blurry as I looked around at everyone still laughing at me. My hands started to shake. My eyes were stinging from the tears that were about to fall any second.

I turned around and ran as fast as I could out of the cafeteria. I ran inside the closet building looking for a bathroom. I went into the first stall and locked the door. I turned around and just started crying. My face was completely red by now and covered in tears. I tried to calm myself down but all I could think about was the pictures and how disgusting I was. I was a slut. Everyone at school at seen my naked body. Each time I thought about one of their words I started crying harder and harder. I had a horrible headache now. Crying always gave me headaches.

I grabbed some toilet paper and started to wipe my eyes. I tried breathing slow in a way to calm myself down. I sat in the bathroom for a few more minutes just doing this. I unlocked the stall and walked to the sink. I looked at myself in the mirror. My face was a little pink still as well as my eyes from the tears. I splashed my face with cold water. It helped cool my face down a little and made me feel somewhat better.

I washed my hands and walked out of the bathroom. There was only a couple minutes of lunch left so I decided to start walking to my fifth period. I kept my head down avoiding all the stares from the other students. I just wanted this day to be over already.

I tried to keep to myself and ignore the stares I was getting in my classes. It wasn't easy. I could feel their eyes watching me like I was some kind of science experiment. I hated it. I hated being in the spotlight. Thankfully the day would be over soon and I could go home.

The bus ride was the same as in my classes; hateful looks and laughter directed at me.

They were laughing at me not with me.

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