With A Promise

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A/N: It has been awhile since I have posted and that is due to my extreme laziness this summer that consisted of me lying in bed all day. I just started working on this chapter again last week. Enjoy the chapter. Also, I’m back in school now with my oh-so-wonderful AP class that gave a quiz the second day of class (FYI)!!

Chapter 12: With A Promise

 Brandon and I finally made our way into the music room. Brandon let me go in first and closed the door, while I stood with a stern expression planted on my face. He had a confused look on his face and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at how cute he looked; even though I was supposed to be mad at him for being so thoughtless.

 I stepped closer and lightly slapped him on the arm to get his mind on the same page as mine. “Dude,” I whispered harshly.

 “What did I do?” he looked at me weirdly for hitting him.

 “You cannot be…I don’t know…ugh…that ignorant when we are around other people, your family included. Mariana seems to be the person to ask a lot of questions so you need to be on your toes, and at least semi-aware of what’s going on around you. You know that this thing,” gesturing between the two of us furiously, “is still not to be seen in public. I don’t want to even have a chance of somebody else figuring this out. And I love you, you know I do, but I don’t want information ending up in the wrong hands. I don’t want any information of even speculations about our relationship getting to somebody. I want to be around you as much as possible, but if you can’t even keep your guard up around other people, we might have to keep our distance and I really don’t want that!” I let out a little giggle, that surprised me and I finally opened my eyes after a heavy sigh and looked into his eyes that held a little shock, desperation, and laughter. I guess it’s understandable, since I just kind of blew up and ranted in his face then joked around and laughed at myself.

 “Oh…um,” he stuttered quietly and looked down making me feel bad. I wasn’t mad; I just want us to be precautious. “Sorry. About that, in the car, I just wasn’t paying attention. I didn’t really think about all of this like that. But, the other day, when we first saw the pictures of you and Jude, saying that it was the eleventh anniversary of the kidnapping investigation, I just didn’t want to believe it and I kind of lost my head. It took Jesus to talk some sense into me, and that says something!” We both laughed at this. “He was telling me that if I wanted to keep you around I need to know how to control myself so that no one else knew about us. But, after my mom found out, and the fact that Jesus already knows, I just…..I guess I just didn’t think too much of it. But it’s completely understandable why you were so worried and I’m happy you feel like you can really tell me how you feel. I don’t want us to have any secrets. But I do have something I want to ask you about later. But, that will have to wait because I’m pretty sure we’re about to be late.”

 We both grinned awkwardly at each other and made our way over to the shut door. I turned to him and smirked. Standing on my tippy-toes, I planted a rough on his addictive lips and maintained my smirk as I told him ‘okay’ referring to talking to him later. He had a bashful grin in his face as he blushed and I laughed and I ran my hand down his arm before leaving the room.


 During my classes throughout the day, I had been thinking about all the stuff that has happened in just the past seven days. I’m potentially Emily Lovett, which is, I guess, no longer coincidental because that was a name my mom believed was her middle name or maybe her mom’s name, but my memories of her are a little fuzzy from time. I had to wrap my head around getting kidnapped with my family at such a young age, getting pulled away from my father who loved us a lot, just to end up with a drunken excuse of a father that basically chose to ruin an innocent family’s lives. I potentially have a living relative that actually wants Jude and me; that is my father. I practically got proposed to, which resulted in my most prized possession from the guy I love. Thinking about the ring just got me into thinking about the time at the police station when Stef found out about Brandon and me.

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