Ever Heard of Humility

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Chapter 3: Ever Heard of Humility

I stared at Jesus in horror as he looked me up and down, his skate board falling to the ground with a clank.

"Oh hey Jesus…" Brandon said from behind me.

He looked at Brandon, eyes filled with horror at the sight of his brother standing in the nude behind me, but a tiny bit of thankfulness that Brandon was close enough behind me that he couldn't see anything… too revealing.

Jesus backed away slowly, murmuring to himself, "Ok, I fell of my skate board and hit my head on the sidewalk", seeming to approve of his own explanation, he squeezed his eyes shut and started counting, "Uno, dos, tres!"

He opened his eyes and threw his hands in the air, but seeing us again, they dropped back to his sides.

"Holy shit! Brandon? What the hell are you doing man?" he shouted at us

"What am I doing?" Brandon retaliated "What the hell are you doing? You weren't supposed to be back till tomorrow!"

"I didn't go that poetry thing man! I've been at school, had a late detention!"

We all stood there awkwardly, Jesus staring at us both with exasperation in his eyes, Brandon barely covered my small stature, and me acting as the Wall of China between the two.

"So, you two are together now?" he asked, bending down to pick up a skateboard.

I remembered the word that he described me with earlier. Fuzzy warmth filled my stomach and I knew that this guy was different from Liam.

"Yeah" I replied, turning back around, "He's my boyfriend"

I felt Brandon move closer and wrap his arms around my waist. They felt so natural there, as if they were a part of me that had been missing for so long.

I leaned my head back against his chest and I couldn't help the small smile that appeared on my face. I used my hand to secure the towel that hung dangerously loose, the other one snaked around Brandon's forearm.

Without a second glance at Jesus, I allowed Brandon to spin me around to face him, seeing the same slightly arrogant smile on his face. The perfect mirror of mine,

He took my lips in his, and oblivion washed over us once again, as if we were alone in the shower as we had been minutes before.

Wrapped in our own different world, Brandon lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Excuse me?", Jesus put his hand in the air, as if waiting to ask a question, "You realise I'm still here? Right?"

We broke apart with a sigh and I was dropped on my feet once again. "Ok, Jesus, give us a second to get dressed and we'll talk about this downstairs"

My voice was strong an definitive, unlike my heart beat, which was pounding ferociously within my chest, as I tried to tell myself that Jesus was trustworthy, not because of his alliance with me but with me, but because he loved his brother too much to let him hurt.

He responded to my order by huffing and stomping down the stairs.

"You have got to be kidding me guys!" Jesus yelled at us, "Do you have any idea how much trouble you could get in?"

Brandon and I sat on the couch; I was tucked under his arm while trying my hardest not to shed any tears.

"Jesus!" Brandon shouted back at him, "I know how bad this is could be for us, ok?"

He looked at me, eyes full of emothion, "We didn't mean for this to happen, but we knew it was coming for a while and ever since I finally got rid of Talya-"

"Wait?" Jesus put out a hand to stop us, "You broke up with Talya?"

"Well no shit Sherlock! What did you think?" Brandon looked about ready to murder his brother" That I would cheat on my girlfriend?"

"No, I just… Well, you never said that, so I wasn't sure!"

"Well, we aren't together anymore, Callie and I are."

"So are you going to let us explain?" I said, finally breaking into the intimidating silence.

Jesus stopped his pacing and sat down on the sofa across from us, he motioned me to continue with a swift nod of the head.

"Remember when I was shouting at you sister for reading my journal?"

He nodded.

"Well, it turns out that it was Talya; eventually Brandon found out and he ended things." I paused, uncertain of how to continue, "Then tonight, we kind of… well we just, happened, I guess."

Jesus looked at us in disbelief, "do you guys even understand what could happen because of this? Our Moms are going to freak out, and what about Jude, Callie?"

I stopped trying to hold back the tears and the sobbing commenced; Brandon's t-shirt now covered in stains. "Bro, just listen for a sec, we understand how screwed we are right now, but we just need you to keep this a secret ok? Nobody can know about this."

Once again pacing the room, he tugged on the ends of his hair with his hands, a nervous habit I could remember noticing when I had first arrived.

"Why are you guys doing this to me!" she groaned, "I cannot handle this stress!"

I sniggered a bit, through all the tears, and even Brandon had to laugh at the Latino's over-exaggeration.

"Please Jesus" Brandon begged, "we'll do you chores for a month, just please don't tell mom's yet"

"Haven't you ever heard of humility?" he asked us

"I'm surprised you've even heard of it" Brandon replied honestly.

"Well, Timothy told me about it today, and I think that this is when I'm supposed to use it."

He went over into the kitchen and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl; after that disappearing from sight.

"So I guess were safe, for now" I leaned into him suggestively.

"I guess we are…" he moved closer to me and our lips were millimetres apart.

Suddenly Jesus burst back into the living room.

"One last thing, no more bathroom sex, please. I have to use that shower!"

To Be Continued... 

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