Chapter 9 - Happy Place

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I wake up in an unfamiliar place, rubbing my eyes I look around and remember what happend last night. I smile to myself as I think about what all happend, its started with us watching Mary Poppins and ended with Virge showing me this really weird kids show??? Dont hug me I'm scared I think it was. That was creepy.

I look at my phone and see that it's already 10:00am. It's a Saturday so I dont have school, but my mom is gonna be worried about me I didn't tell her where I was last night. I turn to tell Virgil I need to leave, but hes fast asleep. He looks so cute when he sleeps, I don't want to wake him up. Hes to precious. I quietly leave not trying to wake him up, and I will explain why I left later.

I start to run home so my mom isnt worrying any longer, I hope Virge doesnt freck when I'm not there.


I wake up in my tree house and check the time, I start freaking out when I see its already noon. I look over to see Roman gone, I try to tell myself he just had stuff to do, but the voice in the back of my head wants me to think different.

He doesn't like you, he was just saying that to get guilt off his back

I sigh, probabaly. But I dont want to think about that right now so I put on my jacket snd start to go to the park. About half way there I see a little donut shop which makes me realize I'm STARVING, but maybe that's good. I mean, it would definitely get rid of this extra fat. I do need water though. Which mean I need a.......job. I look back at the shop and see its hiring so I walk towards it preparing myself to ask about it. I was just reaching for the handle when my mind screamed at me not to.

I began sprinting away and disided I would look for a job later.....and maybe one that doesnt involve a lot of talking. But what job can a teenager get that does.

I shake that thought away too, I just want to have a good day. So I call Patton, I hope hes not busy.


"HI VIRGIL" He basically screams into the phone then giggles after.

"Heh hey Patton" I smile a little to myself

"Whatchadoin kiddo"

"Not much, I'm pretty bored, do you think your parents could drive you out here for the night??"

"OOHH A SLEEPOVER, I will ask right NOW" I hear him shuffle a little and then yell across the house.



"YES THANK YOU" He runs back over to the phone and whispers

"I can come" I laugh a little into the phone.

"I heard, could your mom drop you off at the park, then we could walk to the treehouse later."

"Yeah I dont see why that would be a problem. We will probabaly head out in an hour or so."

"Ok, I'll see you then"

"Yep yep BYE KIDDO"

"heh bye Pat."

I hang up and smile a little, I'm so excited to see him again.

I'm at the park already and they probabaly havent even left, not to mention it's an hour drive. So Imma be here for a while.

*time skip beech*

I'm in my tree listening to music and feel the tree shaking, I look down to see Patton trying and failing to climb up with me. I giggle and jump down.

"You never were good at climbing" He crosses his arms.

"I almost had it" he says pouting.

"Yeah sure."

"I did" he says starting to laugh a little.

"Whatever you say Pat."

"CAN I HUG YOU, ITS BEEN SO LONG, I NEED A HUG FROM YOU RIGHT NOW" before I can answer he hugs me. I flinch back a bit, but he is use to me doing that when he hugs me so he doesnt stop.

I hug him back and then tell him that he can stop now. He laughs and gets off.

"Ooo I wanna try a hug, but we don't touch." He starts making a big circle with his arms and scoots next to me putting his arms around me......but not? I go with it and 'hug' him back.

"YAY" He says happy that I participated.

"Wanna go to the treehouse now?"

"It would be my honor" he says putting his arm around my arm before whispering,

"This is so you cant go climb some building and beat me there" I laugh at his dorkyness and we start walking back, tonight is gonna be great.


HOW👏WAS👏IT👏 XD I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Hows y'alls lifes......oh that's good?bad?sad? Idk. Anyways thanks for reading. And next chapter should be out on the 15th? Maybe, that's when I'm shooting for.

✌ ♡-♡

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