Chapter 5

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Here's the latest chapter. I actually had this already written but it was on a jump drive that I just so conveniently lost. It was fabulous. Please read A/N at bottom.


Chapter Five

The Unsure

If someone was to take a fall form a twenty story building, they would be falling around two hundred and sixteen feet. To anyone, that was a large distance, but not necessarily a big deal. Brave, gusty people often jump out of airplanes with nothing but a piece of wind catching material on their back at higher altitudes. In fact, a daredevil Austrian man by the name of Felix Baumgartner had one stepped out into the mid-air at 24 miles above Earth's surface. It set a record, of course. 'Highest height to ever be braved,' or some sort of title like that.

I, however, normally couldn't even walk down two flights of stairs without injuring myself and I had always hated heights. Twenty stories were far past my highest height. One story was pushing it for a girl like me.

Heights meant you were farther from the ground, farther from the very thing our earth was structured on. The ground meant stability and safety. It would shift and transfer, even sometimes disappear under rising water, but there was always more of it. More hard packed dirt that I could stand on. Heights were built just to defy it all.

I didn't like large altitudes at all.

That being said, as I plummeted almost in slow motion towards the ground, my voice and safety left somewhere in the building, I realized my most terrifying nightmare was coming true. I was going to splat into the pavement, along with this beast, and be nothing but a messy memory tomorrow.

Chances were I wouldn't make the news. No headline would be read tomorrow, going something like 'Mysterious 'Event' canceled forever. The main girl and beast that started it all smashed into the concrete yesterday and destroyed themselves.' The government would hide it all; clean us up nicely from the pavement, making sure to spray the ground with bleach when done.

No evidence, no crime, right?

Strangely, the more that I thought about it, the more the pit in my stomach bulged and grew. The Event most likely wouldn't be canceled. The beast behind me, with one thick, muscular arm wrapped around me, would most like survive the impact.

He may have to limp lightly to his home, but chances are no permanent damage would be done.

I would be the one to surfer, the one who's life would be completely erased with some bleach spray and a garbage back. Once pulled from the ground, I would be burned most likely, evidence of me ever existing sizzling away in the fire as well. The sad thing was, I didn't even want to be cremated.

Easy there, Dusty; don't be too positive.

My future was looking dark and gloomy and... invisible. I wouldn't have a future, not in about ten seconds. And that was alright, strangely enough. I was still human. I could die human, without having to give into it all. My humanity was will me, even if I was dying at the hands of the beast.

I never even screamed. Oh sure, I had thought about it at the start of our fall, but the high pitched breath of air seemed to get stuck in my throat, something like my last defiant stand. I wouldn't scream and I wouldn't show terror or fright to this monster.

And with that resignation, I closed my eyes, ready for death.

The sudden jerk from his arm caught me by surprise, causing my eyes to jerk back to life. The ground, gray and dull in the light reflecting from the building, was still placed disastrously before me. Now, however, it seemed to be slowly drawing further away instead of nearer. It didn't feel like we were free falling through the air, more like gilding across it with slight up and down movement. I was soaring now, heading away from the mysterious building and lab that both seemed owned by the government.

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