Chapter 5

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Catherine woke up to see a little figure with green eyes as big as tennis balls, ears like a bat's and was wearing a pillowcase; Dobby!

"Hello!" the house elf said cheerily to Catherine and Harry. "What are you doing here?" Catherine hissed. "Harry and Catherine Potter went back to school. Dobby warned them not to. Why didn't the Potter's go home when they missed the train?" he said miserably.

"You?! You did that?" Harry said demanded.

"It's been you all along! Has it?! You sealed the barrier! Why would you do that, Dobby? Did you even know how much trouble we got in?" Catherine said glaring at Dobby.
"Indeed, Dobby though that Harry Potter and his sister would get in trouble and to be sent home, Dobby had to iron his hands; Harry and Catherine needs to be safe! Dobby was shocked to hear that the Potter's were at Hogwarts." he said, showing his bandaged fingers. 5

"You nearly got us expelled." the twins said.
"You'd better clear out before my bones grow back, Dobby or I might strangle you." Harry said. "Dobby is used to death threats, sir. He gets them 5 times a day at home." he said sobbing on his pillowcase that he calls clothes. 8
"Why do you wear that Dobby?" Catherine asked curiously. 1

"This miss, is the mark of a house elf. Dobby can only be freed if his master gives him clothes. The Potter's must go home! Dobby thought his Bludger-"
Catherine was now pissed off. 4

"YOUR BLUDGER?! YOU DID THAT?! ARE YOU TRYING TO GET US KILLED?" she said, fire burning in her eyes.
Harry made a mental not to anger her, it was scary. "Not kill you! Never kill you, Dobby only wants the Potter's to be hurt enough to be sent home." he said. 15

"Dobby still remembers how it was when He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. We house elves were treated like Vermin, of course, Dobby is still treated like Vermin. Life has improved for my kind ever since the Potter's defeated the dark Lord. Terrible things are about to happen at Hogwarts. Dobby cannot let Harry and Catherine stay here, now that history is to repeat itself." Dobby said, drying his face on the Pillowcase.

"Repeat itself? You mean it's happened before?" Harry said, slightly confused.
"Tell us Dobby! Who did it?" Catherine asked.

"The Chamber of Secrets is open." Dobby said mindlessly.
"There is a Chamber!" Catherine said, looking to Harry. "But Dobby, we're not Muggle-born, how can we be in danger?" Harry asked. The elf disappeared with a snap of his fingers leaving the twins in confusion.
"Someone's coming!" Catherine whispered, looking at the shadows.
"What happened?" an elderly woman asked. "Calm down, Minerva. Another attack, petrified." Dumbledore said, heaving the statue like structure on a bed.

"Do you think he managed to take a picture of his attacker?" Professor McGonagall asked. Dumbledore slowly retrived the camera from Colin Creevey's stone like grasp and smoke came out. "Melted. All melted." Dumbledore said, shaking his head.

"Albus, who is behind all these attacks?" Madam Pomfrey asked.

"It is not who. It is how." 2


"Morning, Harry." Catherine said.
"Morning how's your leg?" he asked.
"Grown back, what about your arm?" she asked.
"Same." Harry said his gaze looking at the curtain shielded portion of the Hospital wing. "When you two finish eating you may go." Madam Pomfrey said, giving them each a bowl of Porridge.They only ate 3 spoonful's and dressed in their robes. "Harry, about last night, do you have any clue on who might be behind all this?" Catherine asked, brushing her hair.

"Aside from Malfoy, not a clue." he said. "Oh Merlin, that's what you lot are trying to do! Hermione's brewing Polyjuice so you can transform into some bloke in Slytherin and interrogate Malfoy!" she said, logically.
"I'm not even going to ask how you figured all of that, but yes." he said. "Why didn't you tell me?" she asked, looking hurt. "

Hermione didn't want us to tell you, she thought you might tell Malfoy and ruin everything." Harry said.
"So much for trust." Catherine said, walking off to Slytherin tower. "Password?" the portrait asked.

"Pure blood." she muttered.

She stepped in the emerald Common room and a crowd of Slytherins applauded in admiration. "Catherine! You were brilliant on the Quidditch pitch! Why did you quit? You were the best Beater we ever had!" Daphne said. "She's right! You were brilliant!" Astoria said, smiling. "I regret it, Catherine. Will you come back?" Flint asked, sounding a bit sour as if the house forced him to say it. 9

"On one condition," Catherine said.
"Anything." he said.

"Never piss me off." she said. 4
"Welcome back." he said, handing her the Beater's bat and her Nimbus 2001. The Slytherins rose with cheers and laughter as she resumed her place as a Beater. Catherine smiled and went to her dorm to grab her book bag and headed to the Library.
"Hey Neville!" she said, seeing Neville next to a pile of books. "Hi! you better now?" he asked.

"Yeah. What are you doing?" she asked, looking through the books. "Just getting a head start on Potions, Professor Snape might dock points because of my potion." he said, his round face plastered with fear.
"What me to help?" she asked.

"Thank you!" he said with relief.
Half an hour passed and Neville almost knew what to do with a Swelling solution. "Thank you so much, I understand it all now." he said, thankful. "Okay. Want to walk to class?" she asked. "Sure. Charms right?" he asked, clear that he forgot.
"Yeah, come on." she said, pushing the door of the Charms classroom. Catherine saw Ginny who looked pale and distraught; she was partners in Charms with Colin.

"Ginny, you alright?" she asked, tapping her shoulder.
Ginny cringed and left out a sigh of relief when she saw it was Catherine. "I heard about your leg, is it alright?" she asked. "Never mind me, you look pale. What happened to the book?" she asked.
"I threw it away." she said.
"Good. It's about time you did. I heard you were having nightmares. Me too." she said, pushing Ginny's hair away from her face. "I just want them to stop." she said, solemnly.
"They will, Ginny. They will. All of this Will be over. Colin will be okay and so will you, all of us will." she said, assuring. Ginny smiled for the first time in weeks. 4


"Can everyone see me? Can everyone hear me? Good." Lockhart said in pure satisfaction as he threw his Lilac coloured cloak in a crowd of Hufflepuffs. "Of all the teachers that could teach us to duel they give us this." Ron said in dislike. Harry looked at Catherine across the room, she had the same look of dislike Ron and Harry had. "Let me introduce my assistant, Professor Snape!" Lockhart said motioning to the other side of the platform.They only ate 3 spoonful's and dressed in their robes. "Harry, about last night, do you have any clue on who might be behind all this?" Catherine asked, brushing her hair.

"Aside from Malfoy, not a clue." he said. "Oh Merlin, that's what you lot are trying to do! Hermione's brewing Polyjuice so you can transform into some bloke in Slytherin and interrogate Malfoy!" she said, logically.
"I'm not even going to ask how you figured all of that, but yes." he said. "Why didn't you tell me?" she asked, looking hurt. "

Hermione didn't want us to tell you, she thought you might tell Malfoy and ruin everything." Harry said.
"So much for trust." Catherine said, walking off to Slytherin tower. "Password?" the portrait asked.

"Pure blood." she muttered.

She stepped in the emerald Common room and a crowd of Slytherins applauded in admiration. "Catherine! You were brilliant on the Quidditch pitch! Why did you quit? You were the best Beater we ever had!" Daphne said. "She's right! You were brilliant!" Astoria said, smiling. "I regret it, Catherine. Will you come back?" Flint asked, sounding a bit sour as if the house forced him to say it. 9

"On one condition," Catherine said.
"Anything." he said.

"Never piss me off." she said. 4
"Welcome back." he said, handing her the Beater's bat and her Nimbus 2001. The Slytherins rose with cheers and laughter as she resumed her place as a Beater. Catherine smiled and went to her dorm to grab her book bag and headed to the Library.
"Hey Neville!" she said, seeing Neville next to a pile of books. "Hi! you better now?" he asked.

"Yeah. What are you doing?" she asked, looking through the books. "Just getting a head start on Potions, Professor Snape might dock points because of my potion." he said, his round face plastered with fear.
"What me to help?" she asked.

"Thank you!" he said with relief.
Half an hour passed and Neville almost knew what to do with a Swelling solution. "Thank you so much, I understand it all now." he said, thankful. "Okay. Want to walk to class?" she asked. "Sure. Charms right?" he asked, clear that he forgot.
"Yeah, come on." she said, pushing the door of the Charms classroom. Catherine saw Ginny who looked pale and distraught; she was partners in Charms with Colin.

"Ginny, you alright?" she asked, tapping her shoulder.
Ginny cringed and left out a sigh of relief when she saw it was Catherine. "I heard about your leg, is it alright?" she asked. "Never mind me, you look pale. What happened to the book?" she asked.
"I threw it away." she said.
"Good. It's about time you did. I heard you were having nightmares. Me too." she said, pushing Ginny's hair away from her face. "I just want them to stop." she said, solemnly.
"They will, Ginny. They will. All of this Will be over. Colin will be okay and so will you, all of us will." she said, assuring. Ginny smiled for the first time in weeks. 4


"Can everyone see me? Can everyone hear me? Good." Lockhart said in pure satisfaction as he threw his Lilac coloured cloak in a crowd of Hufflepuffs. "Of all the teachers that could teach us to duel they give us this." Ron said in dislike. Harry looked at Catherine across the room, she had the same look of dislike Ron and Harry had. "Let me introduce my assistant, Professor Snape!" Lockhart said motioning to the other side of the platform. 3

Snape looked at Lockhart with distaste and walked up. Snape looked at him murderously, Lockhart just kept smiling like the idiot he is, and the three just wondered why Lockhart didn't run off due to Snape's deadening glares.
"He has sportingly agreed to help me with the demonstration! Never fear, you'll still have your potions master when I'm through with him." he said.
Both of them swung their wands above their heads, aimed at their opponent.
"Expelliarmus!" Snape cried sending Lockhart slamming onto the fall with great force. 1

"Finally!" Catherine shouted with happiness at Lockhart's defeat. 2

"Do you think he's alright?" Hermione asked, looking for Lockhart.
"Who cares?" Ron and Harry said, laughing.
"It was quite obvious of what you were going to do, Professor." Lockhart said. "It would be more prudent if you taught the students how to block unfriendly spells." Snape said curtly.
"Of course! Potter! Weasley!" Lockhart said facing the Gryffindors.

"Weasley causes devastation with the simplest of spells; we'll be sending Potter in a match box, perhaps someone in my house." Snape said, looking at Malfoy. Harry closed his eyes, hoping it would be Catherine. 2
"Malfoy," Snape said.The boys went up and faced each other.

"Another pair, The Potter from Slytherin and Miss Brown, Finnigan and Weasley! The last pair, Granger and Bulstrode!" Lockhart said. The colour from Lavender Brown's face drained when she heard she was paired to the destructive Potter, Hermione smiled at Millicent who in return scowled. 8

"Face your partners and bow! Wands at the ready! On the count of three you will only cast spells to disarm, ONLY TO DISARM! We don't want any accidents." Lockhart said, finally saying something worth listening to. 2

"Scared, Potter?" Malfoy said.

"You wish." Harry replied.

"1 2....3!" Lockhart said, releasing hell. 1
"Expelliarmus!" Catherine said, her charm hitting Lavender square on the chest, causing her body to fly across the room as well as her wand.

"15 points to Slytherin, Miss Potter, go to Granger and duel!" Lockhart said

"Rictusempra!" Harry cried, hitting Malfoy sending him across the platform.

He stood up and said, "Serpensortia!"
A Cobra appeared at Harry's foot. "Don't worry Potter, I'll get it." Snape said. "Not to worry Professor I'll do it." Lockhart said, he swished his wand at the snake, it disappeared but it came back.
"Ah! Mr Potter, another 10 points." Lockhart said weakly.

Catherine went to the snake and pointed her wand at it; Harry lowered her wand and stepped forward. "Go away! leave him alone!" Harry said.

"Harry, let me do it! I know a spell." Catherine said.
The snake stopped at its tracks and looked at Justin. "Harry!" Catherine cried out.

Snape waved his wand and the snake vanished into a cloud of thick black smoke. Everyone including Lockhart and Snape looked at Harry and Catherine as if they were just raised from the dead. Catherine ran out of the room followed by Harry.
"You two can talk to snakes?! Why didn't you tell us?" Ron asked, racing after them.

"Dunno, why didn't you lot tell me about the interrogation?" She asked, asked. Hermione's cheeks went scarlet. "I promise I'll tell you later but first how can you two talk to snakes?" she asked.
"I've always known I can talk to snakes." Catherine and Harry said together. 2

"I accidentally set free a Boa constrictor once." Harry said.

"I expected that from Catherine." Hermione muttered. 3
Catherine glared at Hermione and said, "When I was at the Orphanage, I mostly spent my time with snakes and if no one's looking I trap the older kids with them." 6
Ron stifled a laugh. "Now that's like you." Hermione said.
"Still can't believe you two are Parselmouths." Ron said. 5
"A what?" Harry asked. "We can talk and listen to snakes, brother dear. A language we supposedly got from the moment we were born." Catherine explained.

"A different language. How could I even talk in a language and not even realize it? and why are you so calm about this?" Harry said, looking at Catherine.
"Harry, it's probably a gift that we can talk to snakes and I already knew, I read it in the restricted section." she said. 2
"What do you mean by probably?" he asked. "I dunno! It might be passed onto us by our Ancestors or just given to us at birth." Catherine said.

"She's right, Harry. Parseltongue isn't a very common gift." Hermione said.
"Now the entire school's going to think your Salazar Slytherin's great great great grandson!" Ron said in terror.
"Why's that?" he asked.
"Salazar's symbol is a serpent, Harry. He can talk to snakes." Catherine chimed. "But I'm not! we can't be!" he protested. "Harry, he lived a thousand years ago, for all we know you two could be." she said. 4
"You aren't probably his grandson or something, maybe it's Catherine." Ron said. "What makes you think that, Ronald?" Catherine asked. 3

"Because you're in Slytherin, you can talk to snakes." he said. "I'm smart too; does that make me the granddaughter of Rowena Ravenclaw? No! You have to come up with more evidence than that. If I am the granddaughter of Salazar it would mean Harry is too!" she said. +
"Why's that?" he asked. "Because he's my brother! If I we really are they descendants of Salazar that would mean...." Catherine froze.
"Catherine? What is it? That would mean what?" Harry asked.

"That would mean we're the Heir of Slytherin."

Catherine Potter ~Book 2~ Chamber of SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now