Chapter 1

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Word spread around about the Flying Car incident concerning Ron Weasley, Harry and Catherine Potter very quickly. The car was last seen driving itself into the depths of the Forbidden Forest and several students (mostly Hufflepuffs) went searching for it to get a sliver of publicity or either trying to find out if all the rumours in the school are actually reliable. 10

"Check mate." Ron said, moving his chess piece with a smug smile on his face. It had been his 4th time to win a game of chess against Harry. A majority of the Gryffindors knew that Harry wasn't at all good in Chess but now, it looked like Harry made it to look like he was a complete failure in the game. 3

Catherine thinks it's her brother's way of making Ron feel better. She had been sitting with her brother throughout breaks and stuck by him whenever she could, Catherine couldn't put her finger on it but she felt like she needed to stick by him for some reason, "Mail's here." She chimed, finishing the last bunch of grapes on her plate.

Hedwig and Athena flew side by side, dropping copies of the Daily Prophet on the twin's laps. Before they could unwrap the newspaper from its packaging, Catherine nudged Harry to look up. Errol, the Weasleys family owl, hit a bowl of crisps as he flew to the Gryffindor table with a scarlet letter in its beak. 4

"That's not good." Catherine muttered in unison with Harry. Seamus turned to Catherine and saw the scarlet letter facing towards Ron, "Look everyone! Weasley's got himself a Howler!" He said in a strong accent, a cheeky grin on his face. Neville gulped and loosened his collar, "Go on, Ron. I ignored one from my Grandmother once, it was horrible." he said, a scared look on his face. Ron nodded, understanding Neville. He slowly removed the wax with a shaky hand and the letter came to life, 2

"RONALD WEASLEY!" Poor old Ronald felt every single being in the Great Hall stare at him and the floating, howling letter, "HOW DARE YOU STEAL THAT CAR! I AM ABSOULETLY DISGUSTED! YOUR FATHER IS FACING AN INQUIRY AT WORK AND IT IS ALL YOUR FAULT! IF YOU PUT A TOE OUT OF LINE, I'LL SEND YOU STRAIGHT HOME!" The letter said with wrath in Mrs Weasley's voice, the letter turned to Ginny's direction, "Oh, and Ginny dear. Congratulations on being sorted in Gryffindor, your father and I are so proud!" it said in a sweet voice. 33

The letter itself ripped apart after sticking out its tongue to Ron, leaving him with a scared expression on his pale face. Catherine looked around the Great Hall, eyes piercing, "What the bloody hell are all you lot staring at?" She said aloud, trying to defuse the pressure Ron was placed with. Almost everyone turned their heads down and avoided looking towards the Gryffindor table. 2

She sat back down and cupped her face with her hands, "Ron, I'm so sorry. It's my fault, I'm going to owl your mother and explain don't worry." She said, fishing a quill and parchment from her bag.

Ron shook his head slowly, "No, it's my fault. I let you drive." he said, with a little smile.

"It's my fault. I took the car, I drove it. I'll fix this. Don't worry." she said, dipping her quill in the ink well. Harry immediately screwed back on the cap of the ink well and put it back in his sister's bag, "Might want to continue that later, class is about to start." He said. Catherine smiled and put away her things. "Ouch!" she said, feeling a sting on her hand. Catherine looked at her hand and saw that it was her ring, burning hot and that it had marked a burn on her finger; she looked at the Slytherin table and saw Draco laughing maniacally as he watched his little trick unfold. 12

Catherine excused herself from the Gryffindor's table, looking at both her brother and Ron, "See you at Herbology." she said, stomping off to her Common room with Draco on her tail, "Tsk. Tsk. First day of school and you already have Detention. I thought I was the worse Prefect." Draco said, picking up a copy of the Daily Prophet."I'm sorry, you try driving for 7 straight hours with Harry and Ron in the back seat. We couldn't get through the Barrier, what was I supposed to do?" she said, enraged. "You could have blasted the Barrier to get through." he said. "There were Muggles, Draco!" she hissed. "Even so, Muggles saw you drive that bloody car." he said. 8

"7 Muggles, Draco, seven Muggles. The King's cross was packed with them! And besides, even if I did blasted the Barrier, we still wouldn't get on the train because the damned train leaves at exactly 11 o' clock!" she screamed. "Sorry to interrupt this conversation but shouldn't you two be at your classes?" Professor Snape said, emerging from the Port hole. 10

"We were just going, Professor." Catherine said, grabbing her bag, calming down a bit.

"Catherine , Malfoy, a word." Snape said. "Yes, Professor?" she asked. "After your last class, you and Malfoy will be patrolling near the Library. Every last class, just before and after Dinner, understood?" he asked, glaring at the two. "Yes, sir." they chorused. 17

"You may go now." he said, dismissing them.

"What class are we going first?" Draco asked, closing the Port hole. "Herbology." she said, glumly.

"Aren't you a ray of sunshine." he said, sarcastically as they walked together to class. It was the usual walk, but with even more students giving them odd looks, especially now when they were wearing Prefect badges. "Here we are, Greenhouse 3." she said, opening the glass door. "Ah. Miss Potter, Mr Malfoy. Go on, just about to start." Professor Sprout said, carrying a large pot of Mandrake. 17

"Can you believe this?! It a complete outrage, almost half of our books is written by some git called Lockhart. The books are absolutely vile; you would in the right mind read this?" Catherine complained. Draco snickered and pointed at Granger, who was reading Holidays with Hags by Gilderoy Lockhart. "We will be re-potting Mandrake's today! Who can tell me-" Professor said, stopping as she saw Hermione's and Catherine 's hand in the air. No surprise to that. "Yes, Ms Potter?" she said, looking rather pleased. 3

"Mandrake or Mandragora restores Petrified people into their original state. It's used to return people who have been Petrified, Transfigured, or cursed." she said, knowingly. 10

"Well phrased, 10 points to Slytherin." she said. "Mandrakes are very dangerous, can somebody tell me why?" she asked again. Hermione's hand shot right up, almost knocking off Harry's glasses. "Yes, Ms Granger?" she said. 5

"The cry of a Mandrake is fatal to anyone who hears It." she said, promptly. "Excellent, 10 points to Gryffindor." she said, grabbing a pair of fluffy earmuffs. "The Mandrakes I have prepared today are still young, its cries won't kill you yet but it can knock you out for several hours. I strongly suggest you lot to wear your earmuffs." she said, holding up a pair of bright pink ones.

The whole class wore it tightly on their ears. "Grasp your Mandrake firmly and place it into your pot, keep pouring dirt so it gets warm." Professor Sprout said, pouring dirt into a large pot occupied by a little baby with deeply tanned skin, roots coming out of here and there, and crying abnormally loud. 10

"When I say go, you lot take your Mandrake out of its pot. GO!" she yelled. A wave of nausea and screaming flooded their ears, almost all of them felt light headed. The Mandrake's kicked, squirmed, and screamed bloody murder. Neville's blue eyes rolled up and his body became limp and fell to the ground.

"Long bottom's been neglecting his earmuffs." Sprout said.

"No, Ma'am. He's just fainted." Seamus said, looking down at Neville. "Yes, well. Leave him there." she said, nonchalantly. 4

Draco was fooling around with his Mandrake, which made the little seedling bite his finger. "You probably deserve that." Catherine said, laughing. Catherine finished first re-potting her Mandrake and was awarded with 10 points; the whole class came out of the Greenhouse, covered in dirt, sweating, and their ears and arms aching.

"What's next?" Draco asked, his finger a little red from the Mandrake bite. "Transfiguration." she said, dusting off the dirt from her robes.

A bright flash almost blinded her, a boy with blond hair and blue eyes shot a picture of her and Draco. "Hello! I'm Colin Creevey. I'm in Gryffindor." he said, cheerily. "Hello, Colin. Catherine , Catherine Potter. Nice to meet you." she said, shaking his outstretched hand.

Draco glowered at him as if he was a parasite. "Well, see you later, Colin." she said, smiling. He nodded and continued taking pictures of other students and the Greenhouse. "What's your problem?" she hissed. 5

"Nothing." he said.

"Today we shall be transfiguring Beetles into buttons..." Professor McGonagall said, placing a black Beetle on every desk. "Excellent! 10 points to Slytherin." McGonagall said, examining the shining button Catherine transfigured. Professor McGonagall was now fussing over Ron, who accidentally crushed his Beetle with his arm, McGonagall wasn't pleased. 1

"10 points to Gryffindor," Professor said, looking at Hermione's work. "For today's homework, an essay about today's work, I want it to be 2 parchments long." she said, a couple of groans coming from the back. 3

"Class dismissed." Ron, who was still wiping off the slime from his sleeve with his mangled wand. "Why don't you owl for a wand?" Catherine suggested. "Probably get another Howler." he replied, taping together his wand with Spellotape. "So you're just going to leave it like that? Ron-" He cut her off. "I can manage another year with this useless stick." he said, half smiling. "Come on then, its lunch." Harry said, putting his arm around Catherine .

"Don't you have to be with Malfoy?" Hermione asked her nose inside one of Lockhart's book. "He's with Crabbe and Goyle, I'm not with him 24/7, Hermione." she said. Hermione let out a laugh and kept reading.

"How can you read that?" Catherine asked, with pure hate towards the book. "He's brilliant, Lockhart." she said, dreamily."Who is that git anyway?" she asked. "He's our new DADA Professor." she said, still daydreaming. "You're joking right?" asked Catherine , Hermione looked up from her bloody book and shot her a serious look. 7

"What's our next lesson?" Catherine asked, taking a bite of pie. "Defence against the Dark Arts." Hermione chimed. "Could this day get any worse?" Catherine said, stabbing her pie with a fork, causing blueberries to ooze out.

"Speak of the devil." Ron said, looking at Snape. "Ms Potter, a word." he said, looking at down. "Sure." she said, following Snape to his office.

"What do you reckon he'll do?" Ron asked. "Don't know." Harry said. A blinding light emerged out of nowhere. "Hi! I'm Colin Creevy! I'm in Gryffindor too!" he said, holding up his camera. "Nice meeting you, Colin. Congratulations on being in Gryffindor." Harry said, rubbing his eyes from the flash.

"Mind if I take a picture?" he asked, hopeful. "Handing out pictures, Potter? Might as well sign them." a voice Harry knew far too well. "Back off, Malfoy." Ron said. "A girlfriend and a bodyguard." Malfoy teased, looking at Ginny and Ron.

"You're just jealous." Colin blurted. "Of what? Having that ghastly scar on my head? No thanks. Just because you have your head cut open it means you famous." he said with the usual smirk on his face. Half of the Great hall was now listening.

"Can't believe Catherine is friends with Malfoy," Ron muttered. "Who says we're just friends?" Malfoy said, walking out of the Great hall. Harry clenched his fists and saw Catherine at the entrance of the Great hall, he glared at her, and she looked confused. She finally got the message and walked off to her next class.

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