Being a Fangirl (Not a Fanfiction)

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 "Thunder" is the latest boy band that makes girls swoon, scream and fangirl.

Enter Lexie Curtis. She’s their number one fan and her favorite member is none other than Silver Pattinson. She can already imagine how she and Silver will get married (beach wedding), how many children they will be having (two to four), and how they will spend the rest of their lives together (despite Silver's star status, they will have a secret place of their own, away from Hollywood while Silver isn't working). How the hell will the boys handle a crazy girl like her? And how will she handle working for them without the off-chance of fainting every minute? But, most importantly, What will Lexie do if her dream guy isn’t what she imagined?


Get inside a fangirl's head and watch how she handles life when her dreams get a big punch from reality.


Rated: PG-13

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