The Actual Wedding (It's FINALLY HERE!!)

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AN: Hey, sorry I didn't update in a while. I have volunteering, and summer homework which I should probably be doing now. Ah, well. I was also busy setting up my new Fanfic for Candor and Dauntless. Check it out if you get the chance! Reviews and comments, pretty please? And I'd love your thoughts on where you think this should go. And, I don't write "mature" scenes. I am well aware that it happens, but I would like to make this a clean fanfic. If you're looking for that kinda stuff, you're not gonna find it here. Sorry to disappoint. Hereby presenting the bride and groom (and all that hate them)

On the beach outside Camp Half-Blood, there was quite a lot of activity. The place hadn't been that busy since that really lost pizza delivery guy had discovered the camp (story for another time). No, today was a more chaotic event.

Percy and Annabeth, the two greatest heroes of Olympus were getting married today, and Olympus forbid anything go wrong.

Athena was bossing around the people there, trying to get everyone in their seats, and Poseidon was trying to stay out of her way. He didn't really want his favorite son's wedding to be ruined by a millenia-old godly feud.

The groom in question was currently freaking out in his cabin along with his groomsmen. Tyson was trying to calm him down, while Jason, Leo and Frank looked on. Grover was busy working things out with Thalia after accidentally offending her. He figured a brutal murder by the maid of honor would put a bit of a damper on the wedding.

Percy paced, and paced...and paced until Tyson stopped him.

"What are you so worried about? She agreed to marry you, didn't she? Why would she back out now?" Tyson reasoned. He had grown up quite a bit.

"She deserves better, I'm just a stupid Seaweed Brain..." Percy muttered.

"Would you just shut up? You're being ridiculous. You guys are perfect. You freaking fell into freaking Tartarus for her!" (You know who said this...)

"Ok, ok, what's the worst that could happen? She could rip my heart out and crush it underfoot by saying no, but that's the worst. Unless Athena and Dad get into another fight. That would be the worst." Percy relaxed and then tensed after realizing what he said.

Before anyone could say anything else, Poseidon popped his head in, and said,

"You're up Percy. I'm so proud of you, and by the way, your prayers were answered. I've been staying out of Athena's way all day."


Saying this, Percy ran out the door, before realizing that being a groom, he should act in a manner befitting his role. And then he ignored that, and ran anyway.

He ran all the way up the aisle, to the amusement of the onlookers and guests, and stood there, nervously wringing his hands.

Of course, that stopped once he saw Annabeth.

He hadn't even paid attention to the bridesmaids. If he had, he would have seen smirks on all of their faces.

His vision tunnelled. He only saw her face, with her hair put up with a few loose curls of that princess hair framing her face. He saw her shy smile, and instantly, his fears vanished. Obviously she wanted to marry him. Hadn't she driven him insane with the planning?

He felt like it was an eternity before she reached him, and the music stopped (brought to you by the Nine Muses).

He totally ignored everything that Aphrodite was saying, until he saw Annabeth look at him. Realizing now was probably a good time to say "I do," he did. Confidently and at the same time, nervously.

Annabeth smirked at him, and repeated "I do."

Aphrodite looked out at the audience and said, "If anyone has any objections to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace."


AN: Haha! Another cliffie! Sorry. I like to do them

Maybe I'll update in a week or so.

Just bear with me until then


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