The Last Night of Freedom (Or Not)

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AN: Sup guys? Updating on my phone so no bold 😔 but this will be a funny chapter- I promise.

Percy and Annabeth weren't nervous for the wedding like most brides and grooms were. No, they were worried about their friends and what kind of plot they had cooked up for their bachelorette parties.

Percy was concerned because when it came to parties, Grover was a literal animal. Most people didn't think so, but Percy knew better. He had to drag Grover home the night before his wedding to Juniper, because someone embraced the spirit of the wild a bit too much.

Annabeth, on the other hand knew that Thalia would try and talk her out of getting married, and she didn't want the whole night to be Hunter recruitment night. That would be extremely irritating, not to mention the fact that nobody but her could insult Percy.

So when the night arrived, Annabeth, Sally, Thalia, Piper, Hazel, Mrs. Chase, Calypso, and Reyna all headed to a nightclub in New York. Annabeth groaned when she saw the sign - WOMEN ONLY - on the door.

"Really, Thals? I get that you're a hunter but this is too much!"

She groaned as she opened the door to enter a party room with...everyone from Camp!

Thalia teased, "Still too much?".

And as soon as Annabeth had walked in, Aphrodite appeared with a dazzling flash! She then called for the roasting to begin.



Percy on the other hand, rather than enjoying himself, was busy trying to keep his friends under control. Grover had gone wild, as had Frank. Leo had always been a troublemaker, and Jason usually had to follow the rules so much that when he got a chance, he CUT LOOSE! Tyson was watching amusedly, the only one not completely drunk.

Percy watched, as Leo set fire to a Molotov cocktail and started whooping it up. They were all worse than the Party Ponies! He had the good sense to not drink too much because he knew that if he showed up drunk to their wedding tomorrow, Annabeth would kill him, as would Athena. Painfully. He rather wanted to survive his wedding and get to what comes after...cake! Oh, and the honeymoon too.

Suddenly, they all stopped as if they'd all had the same idea...

Grover slurred, "Heyyy Perrrcy? Wee havven't evvenn roassted youuu yet!"

Jason smirked and said, "Or tried to convince you to stay a bachelor..."

Leo rose from his chair, and...promptly passed out.

So much for that.


If Annabeth had to hear one more embarrassing story or get one more "helpful" gift, she was gonna puke.

The headache from Thalia randomly yelling "don't get married!" in her ear didn't help much either.

All she wanted to do was go home, curl up in Percy's arms and go to sleep so that she'd be ready for tomorrow. But Tyche wasn't on her side, unfortunately. Until, they brought out their final gift.

It was a scrapbook album of Percy and Annabeth since they first met. There was pictures of them in capture the flag, after their first quest, in Miami, after Mt Tam in San Francisco, right out of the Labryinth, having their first kiss, and many more.

Now, let it be said that Annabeth was not a very sentimental person, but even she had to cry at this beautiful and heartfelt gift.

In the course of a minute, her friends had made up for the most embarrassing moments of her life (and who would have thought it'd be at her bachelorette party?)


Percy was gonna lose it.

Wasn't it his turn to have fun? Enjoy his last night single? But nooo, his friends just had to go nuts and pass out before midnight. After finding an address in Jason's pocket, he decided to drop all of them off there, so that they could actually sleep.

When he got there, though, and opened the door, he found an apartment, fully furnished, done up in nice colors and style overlooking Central Park. When he walked into the bedroom, he found a 4-poster bed with owls and dolphins engraved in it.

Everything looked like...

"It was made for you and Annabeth, as our wedding present" came a voice from behind him.

Jason, Leo, Frank, and Grover all smirked from the door. How had they known that he and Annabeth couldn't find an apartment to live in after their wedding?

In any case, Percy couldn't believe it. As it turns out, Frank was in charge of painting, Jason bought the furniture, Leo demigoded up the place and made the bed, and Grover took care of the rent for the first few months.

It was perfect

AN: Hope you liked it! If you have any ideas for the wedding, send me a message! I'll try to incorporate your ideas as much as I can. Thanks and I don't own Percy Jackson 😭😭😭

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