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By: Non_Exquisite

Chapter 4: Decisions

    "So. It finally happened" Wayo said as he stared at Kit who had just finished telling him everything that had happened.

    "What do you mean it finally happened?" Kit asked, confused because Wayo made it sound like he was already expecting it.

    "I don't know. I just always got this vibe that you liked them" Wayo says with a far away look but then shakes his head. "But anyways. What are you going to do now?"

    Kit tries to put on his best pout as he looks at his friend, and Wayo knows his about to lose. He could never say no to his cute brother. "YoYo, can I stay with you for a few days?"

    "What!? No way" Wayo says all too quickly. He knows if Kit stayed with him his boyfriends won't be able to sleep over. He could go to one of their dorm rooms but it'd just be rude to leave his Kit all alone in his room.

    "Please, I...I can't face them r..right now. I just can't." Kit says looking up at Wayo with tear filled eyes. "W...What if they h...hate me". He breathed out, looking down to hide his fear filled eyes glazed with tears. He couldn't stand the thought of them hating him. He'd rather run to the ends of the earth than see their angry faces directed at him, or to know that they now didn't want anything to do with him.

    "I doubt that. If they both willingly slept with you, don't you think it's possible they might have feelings for you too" Wayo said as he thought back to his own situation when he first got together with Ming and Phana.

    "No" Kit said with no hesitation. He knew that was far from possible.

    "What the hell? Your not even going to consider it?" Wayo said looking at kit in disbelief.

    Kit just nods his head "Yup"

    "And why not?" Wayo asked, truly confused as to why Kit didn't even want to think it could be possible that they want him too.

    "Because they really love each other" Kit's voice came out in a tormented whisper "They're perfect together. It's not... it's not my place...I can't...hope" Kit said dejectedly. Thinking about it made him even more sad.

    "Aw Kitty. It's ok. You can stay here" Wayo said while pulling Kit into a tight hug. He'll take care of Kit for a few days. He was sure his boyfriends would understand. "But you'll have to face them sooner or later" Wayo said, knowing this wasn't something that Kit could just avoid.

    "I know" Kit said sniffling into his shoulder.

    Just then Ming and Phana walked in to see their boyfriend hugging another man and immediately tensed at the sight. Jealousy surging through their veins at the sight, only to cool back down once Wayo pulled back from the hug and they saw that it was Kit.

To Be Continued...

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