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By: Non_Exquisite

Chapter 2: Running

    The first thing Kit did when he got back to his dorm room was to shower. He could still smell the smoke, alcohol and....sex all over himself.

    Afterward he took some pain killers and tried to sleep the pain away, but the little snippets of what had happened the night before kept evading his mind and he couldn't settle down.

    The way Forth's rough hands had grabbed onto his hips and lifted him up with such ease. It made him feel smaller than he already was in the taller mans arms. But it was a million times better than what he thought it would feel like.

    Then how Beam had been so gentle and soft with him it almost made him feel fragile. He remembered how he'd cried at his friend's tender touch and how he'd felt so loved.

    It could have been perfect if only that love was real, if he was a part of their love. But he...wasn't. He'd known he shouldn't have expected...anything.

    He touched his lips remembering their kisses. The sweetness of Beam's lips and the roughness of Forth's, both making him feel almost weightless.

    But then an even more scary thought came to mind. What if his ruined everything for them? He'd betrayed his best friend by sleeping with his boyfriend. By including himself into their most intimate moment. What if they couldn't comeback from that.

    The thought made him feel so sick he couldn't help but run to the bathroom and throw up.

    How was he going to fix this. How was he going to get Beam to forgive him. Could he even forgive him. No, he thought. What he'd done was unforgivable. Worst of all he could have just lost the two loves of his life as friends.

    But he needed to leave. He needed to get away. At least buy himself sometime to think. Maybe sometime for Beam and Forth to calm down too. Give Beam and forth time to rekindle their relationship.

    They love each other. Beam loves forth more than anything. He'd seen it in the way he looked at him. The way he'd...talked about him.

    Forth has a sort of no nonsense attitude, but he treats Beam so well, it's beautiful to watch. Kit believes Forth treats him nicely because his Beam's best friend and not for any other reason.


    He didn't...need to be here.

    But what about school. He couldn't avoid Beam there. And he couldn't miss any lectures. Damn. He'd have to figure something out.

    Maybe I should talk to someone he thought. But who?

    Decision made, he quickly cleaned up and made a phone call. After that he packed up a small bag containing his clothes. Then his school bag with his school books.

    He knew he was running but right now it was his only choice. It'd be better if he wasn't...around.

To Be Continued...

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