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Hi there, and welcome to my humble abode. This magical book is written in the third person from different points of view. The character featured in a specific chapter determines subtitles, quotes, songs, and writing style. At times, said character might have a filthy mouth, and display sexual or violent behavior.

Part of the content is mature. Reader discretion is thereby advised.

You'll encounter obvious references to Modern Physics, Kabbalah, Indian and Christian Mysticism as well as Taoisms and Zen Buddhism. You'll also enter a realm where there are no restrictions for sexual preferences. No harm meant to anybody. Whichever your beliefs or sexual orientation might be, I respect and love you all.

Please, keep your mind, eyes, and heart open, and you'll be fine.


This section has been placed at the end of the book (scroll down the list of chapters to find it).


Whenever you encounter a word marked by * refer to the prior Stars Foretelling, placed below the section's title (for example, after the title The Researchers you'll find the notes for chapter 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3). There, you'll find detailed explanations, translations, and sometimes illustrations.


To show my gratitude to my beloved readers, I added a section for my favorite comments. You can find it at the end of the book, after Cast & Aesthetics.

In the same section, you'll find the list of Awards won by Things not Subject to Gravity.


May Awareness enlighten your path and grant you the freedom of living in the best of the possible worlds.

Om Namah Shivaya,

Michael Shiva Surya

Michael Shiva Surya

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* Things not Subject to Gravity *

by Michael Shiva Surya

Copyright © 2021 by Federica Luise

All Rights Reserved

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The esoteric and spiritual notions mentioned are limited to the author's personal experiences/knowledge, and the author accepts and respects all other philosophies and beliefs.

* Cover illustration *

by J26 Design

Copyright © 2017 by Erika Ajovalasit

All Rights Reserved

* Graphics *

All original photos utilized and/or modified for the book's graphics (aesthetics, banners, etc...) belong to their respective authors.

All sketches belong to the book's author.

* Music *

All quoted/linked songs belong to the respective creators, distributors, and/or performers. Please, support the artists by buying their music or through any platform they might have chosen to promote themselves.


@Jagermeanshunter and @Sarah_MacLean, for their wonderful work as betas,

@HouseofMourthia for the useful insights about NY police,

@TheWarOnEntropy for all his help with medical realism (I bow down to thee, doc).

@AmeliaCrossGE for her neat corrections (and enthusiasm),

The whole #rebelbc or RebelElite Book Club, and many more of its members (I will take my time to thank you properly as I go)

Last but not least, my favorite readers @tuquila1, @pettylabel, and @chiropteraman for their love and support to my humble work (you guys are angels for putting up with my speed) <333

All of you guys turned this book into an awesome thing!

Things Not Subject To GravityWhere stories live. Discover now