The Lazarus Experiment

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Although the Doctor and Willow return Martha home, it appears that she isn't quite ready to leave the universe behind. But before they can leave, they learn that Professor Lazurus plans to rewrite history.


Immediately after they visited New York, the Doctor sent the TARDIS flying through the Time Vortex. It spiralled and shook the travellers, however, they had grown used to it by now. Willow laughed as they tumbled around the console.

Eventually, they came to a halt; the Doctor pulled the handbrake. "There we go. Perfect landing. Which isn't easy in such a tight spot."

"You should be used to tight spots by now. Where are we?" asked Martha.

"The end of the line. No place like it." He answered.

Martha excitedly sprinted towards the doors, opening them to discover their location. Nevertheless, her excitement sunk the moment she realised where they were. "Home. You took me home?"

The Doctor and Willow exited their ship, looking around Martha's place. "In fact, the morning after we left, so you've only been gone about twelve hours. No time at all, really."

"But all the stuff we've done. Shakespeare, New New York, old New York?"

"Yep, all in one night, relatively speaking. Everything should be just as it was. Books, CDs, laundry." The Doctor picked up a piece of Martha's clothing which she immediately snatched from his hands in embarrassment. "So, back where you were, as promised."

"This is it?"

"Yeah," Willow was strangely silent, having not expected to return Martha so soon. During their trips, they had truly bonded as friends, but now that was all over. "We should probably er..."

Just then, Martha's landline began to ring, interrupting them. After a few moments, it went straight to the answering machine. "Hi, I'm out. Leave a message."

She sighed. "I'm sorry."

"Martha, are you there? Pick it up, will you?" her mother's voice asked. 

However, Martha ignored the call. "It's Mum. It'll wait."

The trio was silent, listening in. "All right then, pretend that you're out if you like. I was only calling to say that your sister's on TV. On the news of all things. Just thought you might be interested."

Martha raised her eyebrows and grabbed her television remote, switching it on. On the news was Tish Jones, Martha's sister, and an elderly gentleman speaking to the press. "The details are top secret..."

"How could Tish end up on the news?" she wondered.

"Tonight, I will demonstrate a device which will redefine our world." The man informed them.

As their eyes were glued to the screen, Martha explained. "She's got a new job. PR for some research lab."

"With the push of a single button, I will change what it means to be human." The press went wild upon hearing his announcement.

Ignoring it, Martha turned the television off and stared at the pair. "Sorry. You were saying we should...?"

For a moment, the Doctor was still focused on the man's words. However, not to keep Martha waiting, he answered. "Yes, yes, we should. One trip is what we said."

"Yeah. I suppose things just kind of escalated." She responded.

"You're telling me," Willow spoke. "But it was nice though. Well, partly if you ignore everything else that happened."

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