Just One Trip

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The Doctor and Willow owe Martha their lives and he wants to repay her with a chance to travel with them, though Willow only wants it to be one trip.


Willow sat on the small sofa by the console as the Doctor was controlling the TARDIS whilst it was in flight. Every so often, he would glance over at her in an anxious manner. It was definitely noticeable and Willow was beginning to become infuriated by it.

"Ok, what is it?" She questioned.

He froze, surprised. "I don't know what you mean?"

"For the last hour, you've been staring at me and then looking away when I notice. I can tell when you're in deep thought." Willow described. "Whatever you're thinking about, you're nervous to tell me."

The Doctor smirked, sighing. "I can never get anything past you."

"Of course you can't, Kas." She said, standing up from her seat. "I'm your girlfriend after all.

With a smile, he wandered over and put his hands around her wait. "Fiancée, you mean, Raven."

She paused for a moment, taking a second of thought before talking once again. "Of course. That's what I meant..."

Once he turned his back, Willow's fake smile contorted into an unsure frown. For quite some time, she had wondered whether she wanted to get married. They loved each other, of course they did. 

However, at points she pondered whether or not the Doctor only wanted to marry her because they were the same species. Even if she wasn't, would he still have wanted to be with her forever?

She didn't even understand who she was meant to be. When growing up, she was Raven; a girl who had been secluded her whole life. Then she was Willow, a normal human girl who had a family that loved her. But now she didn't know who she was, and it was unbearable to say the least.

"I was just thinking," The Doctor's voice interrupted her deep contemplation. "Perhaps we should thank Martha for what she did to help us today."

Willow nodded, agreeing. "Yeah. After all she was the one to revive you. What should we do to thank her?"

He sighed, biting his lip. "Well... I was thinking maybe she could... travel with us...?"

Her face dropped, a feeling of fury faintly burning inside her. "Just for one trip."


"Well, otherwise it would just feel like we're replacing Rose." She stated.

The Doctor gulped, having not realised. "Oh..."

She waltzed over to his, placing her hand on his with a small smile. "It's not like I don't like her. I just think we should wait it out. It's going to take a while for me to get used to someone new."

He nodded understandably. "Ok then. One trip."

"One trip."


Outside a pub where Martha's brother, Leo, was having his party, their Dad's girlfriend had to mess it all up. 

"I am not staying in there to be insulted!" She said, storming out in frustration.

Clive came running after her. "She didn't mean it, sweetheart. She was just saying you look healthy."

Then Francine emerged, wagging her finger. "No, I did not. I said orange."

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