Return to the Pride

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Mione's POV

Draco and I are returning to the pride today after our few weeks alone. We even have a surprise for the pride. I am now nearly a month pregnant and due in a little over two months. By then Kiara would be going on her first hunt. Hopefully Zira will of disappeared by the time our cub comes. I don't want them to be in harms way if a fight breaks out between the two prides.

We reach pride rock as the sun begins to raise. "Aunty Mione" a voice cheers and I'm nearly tackled by Kiara. But Draco steps in front of me protectively.

"Calm down Kiara" I tell her and nuzzle her gently. "My you've grown a lot" I state looking at her. She is now a teenager.

"It has been nearly four weeks" she reminds me smiling. Just then Kopa appears and greets Draco.

"Nice mane" Draco says and Kopa smiles proudly. "Lets all return to the den, we've had a long journey. Mione needs to rest" he states.

"I'm fine Draco, besides I want to see my cousin and Nala. As well as introduce you to the hunters I talked about" I tell him.

"Ok, but then you take a nap" he states and I nod my head. We all enter the den to be greeted by the waking pride. He guides me over to Simba and Nala.

"Well look who finally decided to return" Simba says jokingly.

"Great to have you both back, Mione you're practically glowing" Nala states giving me a knowing smile. I nod my head and she squeals happily. "I'm finally going to be an aunt" she says happily.

"I'm happy for you both" Simba states.

"Actually Simba, there's something we must discuss" Draco states. He and Simba leave the den. All the lionesses congratulate me before leaving to go drink at the watering hole.

"So Kiara how do you feel about having a little cousin?" I ask her.

"Great, I won't be the baby of the pride anymore. So dad won't baby me anymore" she states. Making Nala and I laugh. "Is it a boy or girl?" she asks curious.

"We won't know that until he or she is born" I tell her. She pouts while Nala chuckles. "But I'll be happy either way as long as the cub is healthy" I state.

"I felt the same way about Kiara and as did Simba" Nala states.

"It won't be long until you start looking for a mate" I tell Kiara.

"No thanks, I'm happy by myself" she states and I laugh with Nala.

"Oh you will find a mate, did I ever tell you the story of when your father and I were disgusted by the idea. Of us marrying each other?" Nala asks her.

"You were?" Kiara asks shocked.

"Yes, we were cubs and were best friends since birth. We thought it'd be so weird to marry. Yet here we are" Nala states.

"Yeah so in love, it's almost sickening" I say teasingly.

"You and Draco aren't much better" Nala retorts.

"We just got married, we're allowed to be sickeningly in love" I say proudly. "Anyway I'm going to take a nap can you have the three huntresses introduce themselves to Draco. I want them to join our pride" I explain with a yawn.

"Of course, get some sleep" Nala tells me. I lay my head on my front paws and fall into s peaceful sleep. Dreaming of what the future may bring.

 (Outside the den) Draco's POV

I'm returning to the den to tell Mione the good news. Simba said we could start our pride here as there is plenty of food for all. As long as everyone follows the hunting laws. When three older lionesses block my way. "Draco?" one asks and I nod my head. "My name is Courtz, these are my sisters Kerry and Luna" she states.

"Mione asked us to introduce ourselves to you" Kerry states.

"Yes, she said we'd be joining your pride" Luna says in her dreamy voice.

"I can tell you're all fine huntresses and we'd be honoured to have you in our pride. We're forming it here in the pride lands. Just need to find a suitable den" I tell them.

"We'll ask around and let you know what we find" Courtz states before they leave. I enter the den to see Mione sleeping peacefully. I decide to join her and spoon her resting my head across her shoulders. Before joining her in dream land (not literally).


Picture above of teenage Kiara and picture on the external link of Kopa now.

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