Take-over and Running Away

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Mione's POV

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Mione's POV

"What's wrong Mama?" I ask as she runs into the den looking worries. I had just heard distant sounds of lions fighting. "Are the others ok?" I ask.

"You need to run Mione and never look back" she tells me gently holding me close.

"But why?" I ask scared.

"Two rogues lions are taking over the pride" she states. "Most kill the off spring of the former king" she explains.

"But Nick isn't my father" I say confused.

"They won't care" she tells me. "They'll want to get me into heat again to have their cubs and the only way to do that. Is to kill you" she states. "Do you remember the pride lands?" she asks.

"Where Daddy is?" I ask and she nods her head. "I just follow the raising sun and keep the setting sun to my back" I state.

"Yes, now remember what I taught you about hunting. You'll learn more there, but until then. You will need to hunt alone and drink water. Remember everything I taught you about hiding and use your head. Keep heading to the pride lands, your father will protect you" she tells me.

"Go now" she tells me nudging me to the back entrance as we heard paws approaching. "Don't look back, keep going until the sun sets. Then find a safe place to hide and sleep, then repeat the next day" she instructs. I nod my head, then run for it sticking to the long grass.

Coco's POV (After Mione left)

One of the new lions enters the den and I growl menacingly at him. "You the queen?" he asks and I nod my head bearing my fangs. "Where's you cub? Abby said you had one" he states.

"You'll never touch her" I snarl.

"Come" he commands leading me to the front of the cave.

"Where's Mione?" Abby asks me quietly.

"Sent her away for her own safety" I snap glaring at her and walk over to Sara. A dark lion enters the den and smiles approvingly. Then growls angrily when the light coloured lion with black mane whispers something in his ear.

"Where did you send the cub?" he asks glaring at me.

"Somewhere you'll never reach her" I say proudly.

"You've sentence her to her death" he tells me as he circles me.

"She's smarter and stronger then you give her credit for" I tell him.

"Names" he demands sitting in front of us.

"You intruded into our territory and drove our king away. The least you can do is introduce yourselves first" I snap.

"She's right" the light lion tells him. "I'm Connor" he states and I notice Abby looking at him approvingly.

"And I am Becker, your new king" the brown lion says proudly.

"I'm Abby and this is my sister Sara" Abby says. "She is our queen, Coco" she states looking at me proudly. "So my king, who will be your queen?" Abby asks. Becker looks at each of us, but seems to linger on Sara and I.

"Sara will be my queen, Connor pick one of the other two as your mate. The other will be the lead hunter" Becker states.

"Abby" Connor says happily holding her close. I was then sent out to hunt with the girls while the males marked their new territory. We caught a wildebeest and the males ate first before us girls. That night I heard the others mating as I slept at the cave entrance praying to the great kings for my daughter's safety.

(Two days later) Mione's POV

I've travel for two days and only caught a few mice

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I've travel for two days and only caught a few mice. I'm starving and have only just exited my old home late yesterday. I sore, tired and miss my mum. Right now I'm sleeping in a hidden burrow when I hear something outside. I peak out to see a tan lion cub playing with a darker brown cub.

"Do you smell that?" the tan one asks the dark one. Who nods her head and the tan one runs off. The dark one starts to sniff the ground and stops in front of my hiding place as I stay in the shadows.

"Come out, no one's going to hurt you" she tells me.

"Hey what's going on?" an adult lioness as she appears with the tan cub.

"There's a cub in there and I think they're scared of me" the dark cub replies.

"Not surprised, you can be scary" the tan one jokes and the dark tackles it playfully.

"Come out sweety, no one will hurt you" the lioness says and I crawl out slowly. "Hello little one, where's your mother?" she asks me gently.

"Lions take over pride, mum told me to run to dad's pride" I tell her.

"Where's that?" the dark cub asks.

"Pride lands" I state.

"That's where we're heading" the lioness tells me. "Come, you look half starved" she states and I follow them. We soon come to a hidden dead antelope and the lioness allows us cubs to eat first. We then have a drink of water before going to a small cave.

"Let's introduce ourselves" the tan cub states.

"Good idea, I'm Anita and these are my daughters" the lioness announces.

"I'm Tama" the tan cub states.

"And I am Kula" the dark one adds.

"Mione, my mum was Coco and dad is Taka aka Scar" I tell them smiling.

"You stick with us and we'll all reach the pride lands safely" Anita assures me. That night I had the best night sleep since I left home. I was so happy to find an adult to protect me and two friends to play with. In future I knew we'd hunt together.


Picture above of the two rogue lions. Pictures in chapter of Mione, Kula, Tama and Anita.

Scar's Daughter: Lion King 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now