Do I help my neighbour?

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Have you ever stopped for some time to reflect upon whether you help your neighbour or not? This is a reflection that not many persons tend to think about.

Helping my neighbour is a very important aspect of my life. There are different ways and means of how one can help his neighbour. In every occasion I have during the day, no matter who my neighbour is, I try to do my best to help that person in any way I can. It is a lifestyle that helps me to grow in my spiritual life.

Helping my neighbour is an occasion for me to present Jesus to the other person. How? By being humble, being a witness of peace, living my faith to the full, sharing about God's love... by being Jesus to the other person.

There is only one aim when helping our neighbour: it is to give them Jesus by loving them just as He does.

So... do I help my neighbour? Am I being Jesus to my neighbour?

Just reflect for a few seconds... know that all that Jesus wants from you is to love Him... by loving your neighbour.

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