A Hint of Magic | Chapter 6

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Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved

A Hint of Magic By Claire Chilton


The Coven

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" Dora froze when her father's voice bellowed behind her. She wasn't in the best position to answer him as she hung out of her bedroom window, reaching for the drainpipe. Crap!

She slowly glanced back over her shoulder to see a stern expression on his face. His thick white hair was sticking out all over the place. He appeared to have just got out of bed because he was wearing a burgundy dressing gown, crumpled blue pajamas and burgundy slippers. "What?" she asked, composing an innocent expression.

"Where are you going at this time of night?" He ground out, locking his jaw in anger.

"What makes you think I'm going anywhere?" she asked as she pushed herself back through her window.

"You're climbing out of your window!"

"There's a bird caught in the rafters. It was making a lot of noise and woke me up. I was trying to free it." She lied.

Her father frowned for a moment before narrowing his eyes. "Then why are you dressed and wearing a coat?"

Crap! She quickly tried to think of an excuse. "It was cold. What kind of girl would I be if I hung out of my window in my nightwear?"

"What kind of girl are you for wearing things like that?" Her father gestured at her red mini-shirt and black tights. "And your face. Didn't your mother tell you to stop wearing all that black make-up around your eyes? You look like a ..." He appeared lost for words for a moment. "A circus freak!"

She scowled, and anger burned in the back of her throat. She'd been called a lot of things by her father, but of all the small-minded, uncultured and pathetic comments, this one was the most insulting. She scrambled back through her window and jumped onto her carpet with a thud, turning to face him with fire in her eyes. "What the fuck did you just call me?"

His face paled as she stared him down before a spark of anger lit his eyes. "How dare you speak to your father in tha—"

"Father? That's a joke, right? You're not a father. You're a fail preacher with a pole dancer for a wife and shitty TV show as a job. Oh, and let's not forget your demon child."

"Demon!" he cried, waving his cross at her. "Demon get out!"

"Yeah, yeah. It's getting old now. I wish I was a demon because then I could burn your ass straight into Hell." She screamed. "I hate you!"

"Out damned Satan spawn." Her father waved the cross at her as if warding her off.

"My thoughts exactly," she said as she strolled past him and down the stairs towards the front doors."

She heard him race after her. "Where do you think you're going? Get back here."

She opened the front door of the church and turned to face him. "Go to Hell!" She shouted before she stormed out of the church and into the dark streets.

 "Go to Hell!" She shouted before she stormed out of the church and into the dark streets

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