Chapter Seventeen: Et tu, Brute

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It took an hour for me to explain everything to Aidan. He claimed to only remember us getting in an argument and him playing a horrific game of beer pong with a couple of basketball players. He didn’t remember anything after that and I couldn’t tell if it was just an excuse or if he genuinely didn’t remember. He had been extremely drunk when he came by last night. I was surprised he had even made it here.

“Kyle, I don’t know what to say,” he muttered running his fingers through his hair. “I – I fucked up. I don’t remember making out with Olivia or Niall. I don’t remember you cracking an egg on my head. I – I don’t even like Olivia and I wouldn’t be caught dead with Niall especially after everything that happened. But if you say that’s what happened, then I believe you. I won’t argue with you.”

I chewed on my lower lip. Last night, I was ready to end things with Aidan. Now this morning, I wasn’t really too sure. He seemed genuine, but what if he was just pretending because he didn’t want us to break up. But, I was one to talk. I mean I had technically come onto Jude before he had even made out with either of them. That was only because I was drunk and pissed.

Would I be a hypocrite if I broke up with him?

“Look I know we got into it yesterday, but I have been nothing but honest with you, Kyle,” Aidan said taking his hand in mine. “And I swear that I don’t remember any of it. You have no reason to believe me I know especially after the whole Niall thing. You must really not believe me. I get it if you want to break up with me. I cheated on you – drunk or not. I did it.”

I sighed as he glanced down at the ground, fumbling with his fingers. If he was lying, then he was one hell of an actor, because I was falling right for it. I could hear the pain in his voice and it was making me feel guilty. I couldn’t do it. I just couldn’t break up with him. I technically cheated too. I would be a fucking hypocrite if I broke up with him over a kiss, especially after I kissed Jude.

“I made a mistake too,” I began. “I was pissed at you. I was drinking and I came onto Jude. He and I kissed last night.”

Aidan raised an eyebrow at me. “Before or after you saw me at the party?”

“Does it matter?” I asked as Aidan stood up from off of my couch. “You and I both made mistakes last night.”

Aidan shook his head. “Yeah it does. I don’t have feelings for Olivia and Niall and I wasn’t aware that it happened. You were and you like Jude.”

I bit my lip. “That’s not fair, Aidan. You have no right to be upset right now. You were tonguing the both of them down like there was no tomorrow. And from what I could tell, you were enjoying it.”

“I was drunk off my ass – I’d probably have made out with a wall and liked it,” Aidan sighed. “I bet you enjoyed every minute you were tonguing down Jude. Hell, I’m sure he enjoyed it too. You’ve probably been banging him behind my back. I mean you sure as hell haven’t been having sex with me.”

All the heat rushed to my face, as I shoved Aidan, angrily. He stood up, grabbing my arms before I could shove him again. I struggled underneath his grip as he pulled me onto the couch, letting go of me.

“Get out,” I huffed walking straight to my back door. “I took care of you last night and this is the thanks that I get. Well, guess what, Aidan, you’re free. It’s over. So you can drunkenly make out and screw whomever your heart desires.”

I opened my door wide open, as he bit down on his bottom lip, walking towards me. His eyes met mine for a second as he took my hand, closing the door shut.

“You don’t mean that,” he said softly. “You know how I feel about Jude. He’s such a prick. Can you blame me? Ky – Look at me.”

He pulled my chin towards him, placing his lips softly on mine for a second. I turned my face away from him, staring down at the ground for a moment.

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