How You Meet; I

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Although you had worked at the restaurant for over a year now, you were still not used to the weird shapes that the shadows casted as the sun started to slowly fall lower below the horizon. Though you never considered yourself a coward, the images made darker thoughts crept within your mind, ones that made your coworkers play small jokes on you that caused you to jump up in fright and laugh.

Of course, it wasn't just the night that made you so uneasy but rather the tales that had started to slowly spread about the diner itself, about a beast that crept in the darkness of the walls.

The tales had started a month before you started the night shift, with the death of one of the workers when they had been closing the shop. They said it had looked like a simple animal attack, his body torn to shreds, but the old man who sat on the corner said otherwise. He said it was a demon, that had erupted from a simple man.

At first, most of you had written off as the old man's insanity – a demon hidden within a man? What nonsense – but after the animal was never found, nor were any tracks found, it seemed more believable and the rumors of the business you worked at started to spread.

People still ate here, as you were one of the few restaurants in your small town, but they usually avoided it at night, afraid that they would be forced to repent for their sins as your coworker had. That's why tonight was particularly odd.

Sitting before you, ordering nearly the entire menu, was a boy you had never seen before, but he looked nothing like a traveler. He was dressed very smart, silver adorning his coat, and he was clean, not coated like dirt or smelling. Actually, as you looked at him further, he was rather handsome in a boyish way.

You blinked at your thoughts in shock, surprised that something like that had popped up before struggling to catch back up with his order. He ended his order with a small drink, something that seemed odd in comparison to the colossal amount of food he wanted, but you decided not to question him as you found that often got customers upset.

As you finished scribbling the last of his food, running through it once to check and see if you missed anything, you suddenly heard your boss's voice from his office, his head peeking out from the crack that he made to his office.

"I'll be back with your order shortly," you told the boy, bowing your head at him slightly and giving him a polite smile before handing off the long list of foods to a chef for them to handle. You walked over to your boss's office, greeting him, before taking note of the man sat in front of his desk.

Your boss, on the other hand, wasn't in the mood for pleasantries, frowning so low that his forehead started to make lines. "(Y/N), you know that you're a trusted employee," he told you, "but we can't have thieves working for us."

Thieves? You thought, looking at him confused. He read your expression quickly. "This man says you stole something of his." You turned over to the man sitting next to you, only to realize you didn't even know him.

Pulling your lips down in a frown, you glanced between the two before finally opening your mouth. "I... actually don't know this man."

It was as if your words were an activation key, the man sitting next to you raising to his intimidating height. His body seemed to twist before your eyes in ways you have never seen before, his skin turning darker and a star seemed to grow in the center of his face. Before you knew it, there was no longer a man before you but rather something you would consider a demon.

With a single blink, your boss was fading to dust, a scream slipping from his throat as his body was consumed by stars, which determined his fate. A cry left your own mouth at the sight, panic spreading through your body before you turned, twisting at the knob on the door.

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