You Save Them: II

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Something about the day seemed off.

You weren't sure what it was: if it was simply the fake but frightened smiles sent in the direction as you and Kanda or even if it was the nervousness that seemed to flood from the villagers in large waves but you knew something.

Something was going to happen.

"Kanda," he hummed under his breath, glancing over at you through the corner of his eye before looking forward once more, "do you feel something?"

"What do you mean by that?" You blinked, scratching your cheek in embarrassment.

"It's -- I -- Nothing," you sighed out, turning and walking forward before a hand snatched at your elbow, pulling you into the broad chest that was Kanda Yu's.

You clenched your teeth, holding back the choice words you wanted to say to him about your sore skin but, despite your obvious irritation, a furious blush rose on your cheeks -- and not because of anger. "If you think something is wrong," he breathed out, his heads tilted down so that your gazes meet in the middle, "there probably is something wrong."

His words made your heart skip a beat, the true sincerity hidden in them causing you to pull your arm back, letting him walk backwards. Your fingers curled against the soft cloth of your shirt as you turned away from him, trying to hide your cheeks from his sharp vision.

"Just come on, BaKanda."

You walked forward, already knowing that Kanda was going to be steaming with irritation at the insulting nickname but he still trailed after you, keeping his promise.

"I could keep an eye on you."


"Kanda!" You screamed, forcing your way through the horde of people trying to head towards trains, "Kanda!" Anxious crawled through you, slithering its way into your chest and leaving its poison in you. Your mind popped out a thousand scenarios as to why Kanda wasn't behind you like he said he would be but then a particularly dangerous one stuck out in your mind.


The thought left a sour taste in your mouth -- made your head and heart pound -- but you shook it off, pushing your way through the throng and finally stepping into a deserted town square.

Wind blew carefully like it was afraid to scatter up the abandoned sheets of paper left on the ground along with clothing. "Kanda?" you shouted shyly, gnawing down on your lip when it echoed across the square.

You were scared.

It was a weird emotion, one you hadn't felt since you had found your mother, sister, and Road all in the same room with only two living. You took a couple of small steps forward, your footsteps echoing in an eerie yet unrealistic way.


You screeched, jumping back from the squeaky doll that you stepped on. Your heart pounded in your chest, causing you to grab it, bending over and grabbing the old item. You squeezed it, letting the smallest of smiles slip on your face before it was blown away again.

That feeling of something out of place came back again, strong than ever and you dropped the doll, stumbling to the side, feeling air whoosh past your ear. You moved back quickly, scanning the square for what attacked you but all you saw blank space.

Adrenaline pumped through your veins as you followed your instincts, dodging and blocking the invisible attacks. You noted that it was trying to back you into a corner so the next it charged, you twisted to the side, ending up behind the creature and planting one of your feet against its back.

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