You Save Them: III

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"Allen Walker," you tested, letting your fingers fly across the wooden table as if there was a piano in front of you, "I want to meet him."

"Not such a good idea," Tyki played with the rim of his glass, peering down at the golden liquid, "after all, you are helping us, the 'threats'."

You watched him, examining how mellow he was in his human form with messy hair and glasses falling off the brim of his nose. "I guess I should rephrase that," you glanced down at your music book and picked up a pen, biting your lip, "I want to meet the 14th."

"No way."

You frowned at the Noah, settling your pen down against the table before crossing your arms. "And why not?"

He frowned back at you before pulling his fingers away from the top of the glass to the handle. Taking a sip of the beer, he averted his eyes away from you.

"Answer me," you hissed lowly, trying not to drag attention to the two of you. After a few seconds of him ignoring you, you slammed the toe of your boot in his shin, digging the heel into his foot.

He yelped, splashing alcohol over himself as you smirked proudly causing him to glare at you.

"Aw, honey," you cooed, taking a napkin and placing it against his face, "you made a mess!" You dug your finger into his eye as you skimmed over it.

"Ow, I can handle myself, woman!"

He forcefully pushed your hand away as you chuckled, sitting back down and pulling your foot away.

After cleaning himself up, he got a new drink and keep fidgeting with his glass. You watched him for a moment before picking up your pen, glancing back at the assortment of musical notes.

"He was a traitor."

You looked up at his, blinking as you saw him staring at his reflection in his drink. "W-What?"

"The 14th," he classified, drumming his fingers on the cup, "he betrayed us and we think that if you meet the exorcists, you'll betray us too."

"Like father, like daughter, right?"

He kept his head down, staying silent as you waited for his response.

You narrowed your eyes at him, letting a scoff escape your mouth as you stood up, closing your music book and stuffing it and your pen in your bag.

"Screw you and your dysfunctional family," you spat, throwing the pouch over your shoulder before turning and walking out of the café.

And to think this day was going to go well for me...


Maybe if you had listened to your instincts, none of those would have happened. Maybe if you had listened to Tyki, you wouldn't be racing through the woods, trying to save not only your life but his as well.

"Left," he rasped out as you both tried to scramble through the woods, you supporting his weight, "go left."

You took a quick turn, not letting up your painstakingly slow movements stopped. Even though you couldn't exactly see the danger, you could feel it, a chill running up your spine and through your vertebrae.

"Good... Good," Tyki seemed to be fading from you, his words slurring in a way that didn't seem to be caused by alcohol and his eyes gaining a blur that worried you, "just keeping moving forward."

"Okay," you puffed out, more to yourself than to him. You didn't know exactly how much longer you could put up with his weight -- your body wasn't exactly suited for this type of exercise -- but you still pushed forward, coming into a clearing just between two large oak trees.

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